FIC: My December

Dec 29, 2010 01:11

Title: My December
Chapter: 27 of 31
Author: wicked3659
Verse: TFA
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1340
Prompt: Day twenty seven - Jazz, why are you wearing a bow there
Warnings: fluff, kissing, mild slash/intimacy
Other Characters: Captain Fanzone, Perceptor, Sari, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee
Summary: Willing to leave everything behind on a whim and a dream, Jazz follows his spark to search for the one part that he never knew had been missing all along.

A/N: The start of my December challenge. A fic written just for the occasion, each prompt is one chapter. This is based on a bunny given to me by and written for vejiraziel may you get the December you deserve. Thank you for your encouragement and this little bunny. <3

Thanks to antepathy for the brainstorming and the beta and eerian_sadow for the sneaking up on Prowl idea. This prompt I've been stuck on for two days, so I'm burnt out for today and will do today's prompt tomorrow with tomorrow's prompt, sorry!

Chapter 27 - Jazz, why do you have a bow there?

Jazz had slipped back into recharge with Prowl still in his arms. There was no where else to be and nothing else he'd rather be doing. When he'd finally come online again, he was alone. Sitting up quickly, he looked about his room for his missing ninja. Optics blinking behind his visor, he focused on a small box on the berth where Prowl had been lying. Smile tugging at his lips, he gently lifted the lid and plucked a data track from inside. He stretched out his joints and headed to his console, plugging in the data track. Playing the file Jazz's small smile spread across his face as 'Fairytale of New York' by the Pogues filled his room, taking him back to that first Christmas. Peering into the box still in his hand, Jazz chuckled at the neatly written note inside.

I build my dreams around you.

Spark fluttering in his chest, Jazz downloaded the music and hummed along as he went searching for Prowl. The ninja however, was no where to be found inside and so, the snow having started to melt, Jazz ventured outside. It didn't take him long and he hadn't gone far when he spied Prowl sitting behind a nearby tree across the road, his distinctive fins just visible behind the trunk.

Smirking playfully, Jazz kept out of sight and headed over as stealthy and as silent as a cat. Standing on the other side of the large trunk, Jazz cautiously peeked around the bark and grinned at Prowl completely focuse on wrapping a gift he obviously didn't want anyone to see. Fingers twitching he slowly reached out and ever so lightly ran a finger tip all the way down the length of a protruding black and gold fin.

"Nnngghh... oohh..."

Jazz started at the sudden heady moan erupting from Prowl and withdrew his hand sharply, kneeling down in concern. "Prowl, did I hurt you? I didn't know they were sensitive...I..."

"Jazz... it's alright." Prowl glanced over his shoulder, faceplates flushed in faint embarrassment. "They're sensitive, yes... you didn't hurt me."

A look of surprise flickered across Jazz's face and his frown of concern broke into a bright and innocent smile. "Oh... oohh... I hear you."

"Jazz..." Prowl warned with a narrowing of his optics. "I know that look."

"What?" Jazz was a picture of innocence as he dared another brush against the as of yet untouched fin. He chuckled and nuzzled his mech as Prowl let out another soft whimper followed this time by a subtle shiver. Kissing his neck, Jazz grinned. "Alright, I'll stop, I just never knew that about you, got curious."


Tilting his helm at Prowl's murmured reply, Jazz's visor flickered. "Mm?"

"Don't tease..." Prowl grinned and before Jazz knew what was happening, Prowl had turned in his arms and was kissing him fiercely. He pressed against the white ninja, arms wrapped tightly around him raking down his backstruts. He let out a soft pleasured sound when Jazz eagerly reciprocated, white hands caressing his plating pushing back into his advances.

"Prowl..." Jazz moaned softly, mouthing over the darker ninja's lips, intakes panting at the attentions. "Thought we were doing things slow...?" He chuckled, nipping Prowl's lower lip playfully.

"You're the one who... nnghh... got curious and had to touch." Prowl pulled back, his visor dark as Jazz's palms slid up the smooth outer planes of both fins. Letting out a low growl, his engine revving, the black and gold mech grabbed Jazz's collar fairing and tugged him down onto the grass behind the tree. Straddling his now sprawled out lover, Prowl smirked deviously and leaned over the pinned ninja, stealing another kiss. "Besides I never said I was going to interface with you."

Jazz rocked his hips gently, hands kneading Prowl's hips as the ninja sat over him idly caressing his chest plates. "Oh? What are you plannin' on doing t' me then?"

Purring and nuzzling his mech with a small smile, Prowl mouthed slowly over his audio, whispering low and sultry. "Everything but." Smiling at the subsequent rev of Jazz's engine and subtle upward grind of his hips, he left a trail of open mouthed kisses from his audio, along his jawline before halting over his lover, lips just barely touching Jazz's. "I warned you not to tease me."

"Nngh, that you did..." Jazz grinned. "Better teach me a lesson then."

"Oh I intend to." Hands began exploring slowly over black and white plating, fingers digging into sensitive seams, wringing pleasured mewls from his trapped mech.

Wrapping a leg around Prowl's and sliding up his calf, Jazz trapped him flush to his frame as they toyed and teased in the grass, mouths locked in passionate kisses, intakes panting shallow and rapid as they got more and more carried away in the playful heat of the moment.

Hearing the engine of a car pull up on the road by the tree, the ninjas moved fast to compose themselves. As Captain Fanzone spotted them, they deftly tugged tufts of grass and leaves from various parts of their frames.

"Oh hey, that Optimus of yours about?"

Voice catching slightly, mouth quirked in a crooked grin, Jazz nodded and stepped out while Prowl gathered up his wrapped gift and subspaced it. "Sure, I think he's inside."

Raising an eyebrow as Prowl appeared from behind the tree. Fanzone planted his hands on his hips. "Now just what's going on here?"

Prowl offered him a faint smile in greeting. "I was wrapping a gift for the team. To what do we owe this visit?"

"Christmas and well... yeah..." Fanzone grunted, awkward at the sentiment. "Gift huh? That take two of you now does it?"

Stifling a snicker, Jazz shrugged and nodded. "It was umm... an awkward... shape... needed both hands."


The other, attracted by the sound of voices had all decided at that moment to investigate and were heading in their direction. Glancing at Jazz, Prowl mouthed at him. 'An awkward shape.'

Flashing him a cheeky grin, Jazz deftly ran a sly finger up the edge of a fin while Fanzone was distracted by the others. //Mm would you rather I said something else?//

Shooting the teasing mech a sidelong glare, Prowl stepped forward to greet the others and revealed his gift. "I had to get my Christmas presents late, so I wanted to get you something you all could enjoy." He handed the present to Optimus and gave a nod to Captain Fanzone. "Pleasure to see you again, Captain."

"Yeah... you too..." The police captain frowned, peering up at the stil grinning Jazz. "I thought he...?"

Jazz laughed lightly, glad for the distraction of Optimus and the others. "Yeah... he did. If you excuse me I have to umm... keep an optic on him, still."

Fanzone raised a questioning finger, but Jazz was already strolling past the others, throwing them a wave and a smile as he headed inside.

Everybody turned as Jazz passed them, looks of stunned surprise and confusion crossing each of their faces, before they started snickering in great amusement. Perceptor made to stop him before Optimus laid a hand on his arm and shook his head.

"Why does he have a...a... what is that?" Perceptor quirked an optic ridge, looking utterly perplexed.

Sari cleared her throat and grinned up at him. "It's a bow, you stick it on presents." She giggled as Bumblebee suddenly started laughing.

"I don't understand." The red mech frowned as Jazz disappeared into the warehouse, the red shiny bow stuck proudly to his aft the last thing to disappear.

Fanzone glanced back at the tree and groaned, planting his face into his palm. "This is why I hate machines."


rated pg13, multi chapter, fluff, challenge: december 10, poster: wicked3659, tf-animated, smut, prowlxjazz: 10, crack, fan fiction: 2010, official challenge, gift art/fic

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