FIC: My December - Chapter 20

Dec 21, 2010 00:19

Title: My December
Chapter: 20 of 31
Author: wicked3659
Verse: TFA
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2067
Prompt: Day twenty - Explain to me again, why are we breaking this piñata?
Warnings: none
Other Characters: Sari, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, Perceptor, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime, two OC's
Summary: Willing to leave everything behind on a whim and a dream, Jazz follows his spark to search for the one part that he never knew had been missing all along.

A/N: The start of my December challenge. A fic written just for the occasion, each prompt is one chapter. This is based on a bunny given to me by and written for vejiraziel may you get the December you deserve. Thank you for your encouragement and this little bunny. <3

A/N Sorry for double posting today. Just got this finished, not beta'd again, sorry! I don't think it fills the prompt very well either but I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 20 - Explain to me again, why are we breaking this piñata?

The modern piñata tradition is said to have originated at the same time as the Christmas posadas, in Acolman de Nezahualcoyotl, in the present state of Mexico, near the archaeological site of Teotihuacan. In 1586 the Augustinian friars in Acolman received authorization from Pope Sixtus V to hold what were called "misas de aguinaldo", which later became the posadas. It was at these masses that were held in the days leading up to Christmas that the friars introduced the piñata. They used the piñata as an allegory to help them in their efforts to evangelize the native people of the region.

The original piñata was shaped like a star with seven points. The points represented the seven deadly sins, and the bright colors of the piñata symbolized temptation. The blindfold represented faith and the stick represented virtue or the will to overcome sin. The candies and other goodies inside the piñata represented the riches of the kingdom of heaven, thus teaching that with faith and virtue one could overcome sin and receive all the rewards of heaven.


Sitting beside Prowl, Jazz waited while Perceptor began his explanation. The scientist thankfully cut straight to the point and both mechs listened while he described Ultra Magnus’s condition and the method he’d come up with that could potentially save him.

"So you want t’ graft a spark onto Ultra Magnus’s spark?" Jazz frowned, trying to work out how that was possible.

"Not quite so crude as that but yes, that is the general summation of my research."

"That’s not possible." Prowl spoke quietly, also deep in thought.

Since losing his memory Prowl had virtually become a sponge for information and retained it at an incredible rate. Jazz was impressed by his memory retention, it had not been something he’d noticed before, though now it sort of made sense, given how Prowl took every opportunity to learn new things, before and after his memory loss. Hearing the mech continue, Jazz focused his attention once more.

"You’re talking about spark splicing. That technique was outlawed after the last Great War. The chance of survival is less than 23 percent, how can you justify such a method?"

Perceptor met Prowl’s inquiry with a slightly startled expression, one matched by Jazz. "I could not…"

Blinking in confusion, Jazz regarded the scientist with fresh optics. "You mean you weren’t going t’ go through with it?"

"No, the council and the scientific ruling body however, had other plans. They are so desperate for Ultra Magnus to survive."

Prowl looked at him with sympathy in his visor. "You were overruled."

"Indeed. I do regret the harm they managed to inflict upon you before I could intervene."

That got Jazz’s attention. "Wait, what?" He looked between them with concern. "Inflict what harm? Prowl?"

Prowl ducked his helm, not wanting to meet Jazz’s earnest, worried gaze. Perceptor took a step towards them, his monotonous voice, betraying an inkling of sympathy. "They managed to splice Prowl’s spark. They believe that his is the only option as he was recently resurrected."

"What, and they’re going to bind that to Ultra Magnus’s? You know he wouldn’t condone this!"

"There is nothing to condone." Perceptor finished sombrely.

"I don’t understand."

Sighing, Prowl looked up to meet Jazz’s confused, questioning gaze. "The part they removed from my spark, died soon after it’s removal from my body. This is why spark splicing was banned; one or both parts nearly always off lined."

Recoiling in disgust and horror at what he was hearing, Jazz held Prowl’s optics, his voice falling to a low whisper. "What does this mean, are we going t’ lose you again?"

"We cannot make a supposition on what will happen in the future." Perceptor informed him blankly.

"Why? You must have some idea what will happen t’ him?"

"I cannot theorise, we have no basis for comparison."

Jazz sat back in defeat. "You mean, there have been no known survivors?"

Perceptor’s silence was telling and Jazz bowed his helm, feeling like his world was being pulled from under him once more. His intakes faltered when a dark hand rested on his leg offering him some small comfort. Prowl’s attention however was now directed at Perceptor.

"So in reality, you would need a completely whole spark grafted onto Ultra Magnus’s already existing spark to sustain him?"

Perceptor nodded. "That is correct, but a new spark hasn’t been created in a long time. We fear Cybertron is dying."

Jazz dimmed his visor at that, maintaining enough visibility to continue gazing at the hand resting innocently on his leg. His thoughts drifted to the contents of his subspace and their words ate at him as he absently listened to the two mechs converse, there was something he was missing. A whole new spark would likely save their leader and restore the balance of power on Cybertron.

A whole new spark…

"I have it." He exclaimed suddenly, retrieving the small pulsing orb from his subspace.

Both Perceptor’s and Prowl’s optics brightened at the sight and the scientist reached forward to tentatively brush his fingers over the orb. "By the All spark…"

"Will this help?" Jazz smiled at the stunned scientist, committing the moment he put Perceptor at a loss for words to memory.

"We must do the procedure immediately."

"What about the council?" Jazz prompted gently, following Perceptor as he busied himself about the lab, gathering up relevant tools.

Perceptor glanced over his shoulder at him, quirking an optic ridge at the question. "This could save Ultra Magnus’s life, it’s his only chance. Frag the council."

It was all Jazz could do not to chuckle at the curse, stealing an amused glance with Prowl. "Couldn’t have put it better myself, mech."


The Grand Palace of Iacon was heavily guarded and it wasn't long before the three mechs found themselves stone-walled by the Elite Guard, headed by Sentinel Prime.

"Well, well well, what do we have here hm?" Sentinel looked at each one of them in turn. "A traitor, quite possibly another traitor and a freak. What will they think of next?"

"Sentinel Prime, for one moment in your sorry existence, maybe you could refrain from acting with all the processing ability of a turbo rat and actually do some good for a change." Perceptor's words were cutting, having exactly the effect he intended as he shoved his way past the blustering blue mech.

Jazz shot him a sly grin as they moved past. Perceptor was a member of the council and he was for all intents and purposes carrying out their will.

"Wait, halt! You can't go in there, the council have ordered his spark to be used in restoring the Magnus's health. You can't go against the council this time, scientist."

Quirking an optics ridge, Perceptor peered at him with disdain. "As a matter of fact, I'm doing precisely what the council wishes as a member of the council, so please make yourself useful."

"Uh, oh I thought... nevermind... What do you need me to do?" Sentinel blinked, his ego always feeling the need for stroking.

"Get out of my way." Perceptor finished, ignoring the gaping response he received from the now bruised Prime.

The two guardsmechs guarding Ultra Magnus's chambers stiffened as they approached. "Sir?" They glanced nervously between Sentinel, Jazz, Perceptor, Prowl and then back to Jazz whose reputation preceded him.

"Sentinel remove your pinata from the door and release the seals." Perceptor commanded, his tone urgent.

"Open it." Sentinel ordered. Frowning in confusion, the guards turned to him as the three mechs stepped inside Magnus's room.

"Uh, boss, what's a pinata?"

Glancing over his shoulder past a fin, his visor twinkling with vague amusement, Prowl offered them an answer. "It's something very dense and filled with confectionary, that organics like to beat with sticks." He grinned as the guards' faces became a picture of horror and they backed away from the door.

Arching an orbital ridge at the black and gold mech's chuckle, Jazz smirked faintly. "That was evil, Prowl. How did you know they'd hate organics?"

Giving a slight shrug, Prowl shot him a small smile. "I just... knew."

Did Prowl just remember something? Before Jazz could press the issue further, Perceptor called them over. Filing the moment away for later discussion, Jazz was beside the berth. "What do you need, mech?"

"I hate to ask this." Perceptor shifted uncomfortably. "I am not a medic, therefore I need someone to open his chest."

"You want me t' hack into Ultra Magnus?" Jazz looked at him in disbelief.

"Please, right away."

"Oh right, you're serious. Nothing wrong with this picture at all."

Sighing impatiently, Perceptor placed his equipment beside him ready for the operation. "Jazz if we could save the debate on morality for another time, I would appreciate it."

"As you wish." Inhaling, Jazz released a panel from Magnus's arm and one from his own and quickly plugged in a connector accessing Magnus's main frame. "Alright, I think I've got it. Will take a few kliks there are fire walls in place..."

"Do it." Perceptor insisted.

"What's going on here?" Another voice filled the room and Optimus came into view. "Jazz, I thought you were on Earth?"

"Not right now, OP... kinda busy..."

Prowl moved to stand by Optimus as they watched Jazz and Perceptor work. "Where did you go?" Prowl asked quietly, his gaze remaining fixed on the prone mech.

"I'm so sorry, Prowl." Optimus bowed his helm. "The council wouldn't let me leave and then there was an incident at the space bridge."

"An incident, is anyone hurt?"

"The next giant robot to get in my way, would have been."

Prowl turned and smiled as Sari entered the room in her 'bot form, followed closely by Ratchet, Bulkhead and Bumblebee. "You all came?"

Returning his smile, Sari flew up to hug him tightly. "Nothing was going to keep us from helping Jazz fingd you this time."

"What do you mean, this time?" Prowl tilted his helm in confusion.

"Oh nothing, slip of the tongue."

Stopping the others from entering the room any further, Optimus silently inquired over comm. with Jazz of the progress. Ratchet elbowed past him and laid a hand on Perceptor's trembling arm. Nodding gratefully the scientist let the medic take over, instructing where he could.

The room fell quiet as the group waited. Even Sentinel had moved further forward, standing beside Optimus in concerned silence. If there was one thing both mechs shared, it was respect and admiration for Ultra Magnus.

Finally Ratchet closed Magnus's chest plates and the mechs stepped away from the berth. Greeted by their expectant gazes, the medic cast them a small smile. "The spark merge was a success. Now all we can do is wait."

Stepping forward, Perceptor gave them a rarely seen smile. "You have all been greatly inconvenienced, especially you Prowl, to an extent that is almost unforgivable."

"Almost?" Jazz interjected bitterly.

"I regret what happened to you, Prowl. I offer my gratitude for your help, all of your help. Please remain on Cybertron as guests of the council until Ultra Magnus awakens, I'm sure he'll want to thank you personally."

Optimus nodded gratefully. "Thank you for the gracious invitation. My team could use the time to relax, it's been a while since we've been home."

They filed out of the room slowly, casually discussing plans for this bout of free time.

Perched on Prowl's shoulder, Sari smiled as the tension between them seemed to dissipate with the good news of the operation. "I'm glad you're alright, Prowl."

"As am I." He gave her a small smile, visor glowing softly. Glancing at the befuddled guards outside Magnus's quarters who shrank away at the sight of Sari, Prowl hummed in curiousity. "Sari, perhaps you could explain something to me?"

"Sure? I'll try."

"Pinatas portray no harm to you do they?"

"No of course not." She laughed at what she thought was a daft question.

"So... forgive me for thinking this is a rather barbaric tradition, but why do you beat them with sticks?"

rated pg13, multi chapter, prowlxjazz, music inspired, challenge: december 10, poster: wicked3659, fan fiction, tf-animated, official challenge, gift art/fic

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