Title: No Rhyme, No reason
Day: Seventeen
Prompt: The birth (start of something special)
Rating: pg13
Words: 898
Other Characters: none
Warnings: inferred character death
Summary: They never took the first chance, they made damn sure to make the most of their second
It’s a strange new world, where we’ve landed.
An orb of bright green and blue.
I can’t explain this. Everything feels so strange, fragile here. I fear for the rest of the crew, how will they adjust to life on this organic planet, knowing we’re so far away from home? I have noticed an increasing amount of social activity. It seems that when there is a lack of fighting the others seem to have forged bonds. It’s only natural and logical being flung to the other side of the known universe to land in such an alien land. I wish I could say I have the same but I have duty to them. To keep them safe. It would be negligent of me to pursue other interests.
We never expected, to be branded.
As champions of the good and the true.
The humans call us heroes. I don’t know how fightin’ t’ survive makes us heroes but they appreciate the help. It’s sad in a way, they don’t seem to realise that we brought this threat here, we created the danger we’re now protecting them against. For that they call us heroes? Doesn’t seem right t’ me.
This planet is filled with such wonders.
Ever changing, ever growing anew.
Cybertron never changed this much, it’s almost too much to comprehend. A planet that keeps growing, adapting, surviving. I miss the steady pace of home. There is something to be said for having to fight to survive when you’re so fragile. Maybe if we’d had the same, we wouldn’t have thrown it all away.
So different from our own, torn asunder.
And amidst it all, I have you.
I like it here, it’s grown on me. ‘Raj is still struggling t’ adjust but he’ll come around. There are moments when I just feel alone, though. The humans have been good t’ us and the crew are settlin’ makin’ the best of it. Some are even pairing off. When I get really homesick though, he’s there. Reminds me just how lucky we are, we’ve grown closer since landin’ here. I honestly never thought I’d say this but, he’s probably one of my closest friends now. He just… he gets me.
This course in our lives, made me venture.
Seek out what I’d never sought before.
Waking up here made me think a lot about the life we could have had. A normal life. Would we even recognise one if we lived it? Normal is Earth, it’s different and new but it’s home now. Normal is… that laugh of his, that smile, the way he always knows when I’m pushed too far. I find myself relying more on his presence to feel comfortable here. Coming here made me reconsider a lot of choices in my life. A lot of missed opportunities.
We’ve embarked on a contrary adventure.
My only desire is for more.
He drives me insane. Hell, he drives everyone insane but it’s different now. He only gives a little at a time, a story here and there, a fleeting feeling before he realises what he’s said and then that mask is back up. What I wouldn’t give just t’ tear it down, make him see that there’s no need for it here. I want t’ know, I want t’ hear it. Primus save me, I want him.
That soft glowing light, of a visor so blue.
More of that smile that shines brightly for me.
I wonder if he knows that I notice his looks, his smiles. I hope I’m not imagining it, my spark feels like it’s floating on air when he’s near me. I hope I’ve not misread the signs, mistook his gesture for something more out of my own selfish desires, I know he’s caught me staring, he never mentions it, just smiles, always smiles. It’s not logical, I shouldn’t give in but I just can’t take my optics off of him.
More of your touch, your taste, of you.
When I’m with you, I’m already free.
I waited, for a long time, I waited and did nothin’. Then I made my move, he never pushed away. I could’ a died happy at that moment, still get shivers when I think of how he held me, he never said anythin’ back, he didn’t need t’. Then the war came t’ Earth, we lost so many. When I heard… I felt like the universe had swallowed my spark. I didn’t want t’ believe… he…so much senseless loss. I couldn’t carry on. What was the point? Then Prime came back, he brought us from the brink of chaos. He brought a lot back with him. I am not gonna’ waste this chance. I haven’t stopped smiling since I heard the news. I don’t have t’ wait much longer, nearly there.
Free from the fighting, a war long and hard.
This is a birth, a beginning, a start.
It feels so strange to wake up here. Have I been gone so long? I don’t remember, the war it’s done. I have to find him, did he survive? Does he remember me? I have to know. I regret not acting sooner, not saying what I should have said from that first moment.
The end of a lifetime, losing those close to our sparks.
A brand new adventure, no longer apart.