Title: The Cup of Life - World Cup 1/3
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Zilch!
Pairings: Implied Prowl x Jazz.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, and the Jabulani. (That's the name of the South Africa 2010 soccer ball designed by Adidas)
Prompt: For the June Challenge of the ProwlxJazz community - Prompt: World Cup.
Notes:You'd probably have to be hiding under some rock to not know the World Cup is out in full force right now. I don't care about Soccer really, but when your country wins a match or goes into the next round you usually get excited or happy for the players. Especially if you happen to be in a country where Soccer's like a second religion.
Nonetheless, a piccie for the challenge inspired by one of my favorite World Cup 'themes'. I know, I know Prowl 'could' be the Coach of the team (Or Director Técnico as we call 'em) but I feel Prowl'd be more suited to be a defense. Me thinks about Rafael Márquez's role, as they tend to coordinate the counter attack, and a successfull counterattack usually leads to a good chance of scoring. So IMO Prowl's better as a defense.
Quickly and cheaply drawn in SAI because it's faster to 'ink' on that one lol.
*puts mod hat for a moment* Just one thing. The tag for the mini challenge is 'challenge: june 10', make sure to tag your entry appropriately when you post your entries!
"Tu y yo, ale, ale, ale! Go, go, goal! Ale, Ale, Ale! Tonight's the night, we're gonna celebrate the Cup of Life! Ale, ale, ale!"