Title: Born From Music
Rating: K
Warnings: Fluff and Sparklings.
Pairings: OC Solstice x OC Meister.
Characters: Solstice, Meister, Jazz.
Summary: The first thing he ever heard was a voice, smooth and melodic, each word was like a note that played on and on in never ending symphony, and then he knew, he was born from music.
Notes: This bunny attacked me horribly and wouldn't let me go. I am not as sure as how much this belongs here since Prowl's not mentioned but it's part of my Endless Waltz series. Let's pretend whatever Meister and Solstice are playing are Cybertronian instruments.
This is the song played at the end -
Strings of Fire - Lord of the Dance/Feet of Flames "And he knew, he knew at that exact moment, that he had been born from that music."