Chess Match

Feb 09, 2007 13:51

So I did it!!! I finished chess match before the workshop process started. Only by a few days but I still did it.

I had one completed before January ended but then I realized that every piece that moved to take someone else won. I realized "Ack, I can't actually have each piece take the one it move to because that takes away the ide of battle chess... doh!!". Then I started the path of writing a chess match that made sense and was random enough... not easy but I made it work.

I cheated in a few places but I can explain that in a statement at the beginning... A King that is in check does not need to move if he thinks he can take the piece that threatens him. This also means that he can move into check if he is not threatened by the target that would do the checking. That sould about cover that aspect of what I did.

Now all I have to do is plug and play the fighters and we are ready to go...

We will not be doing chess match at the Grapevine mills mall and instead will do a fight demonstration at that time instead. We will be performing the Chess Match on that Sunday so the FoF that come out for the day really will get a sneek peek at the show.

I can't wait to get started... Saturday is just the beginning but I am really ready to go...
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