30 Days and 30 Nights: Day 25

Sep 26, 2010 11:34

Title: 30 Days and 30 Nights
Day: 25
Prompt: Instant attraction
*Verse: G1 AU
Rating: pg-13
*Words: 3927
Other Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Bluestreak
Warnings:  innuendos and laughs
Summary:  Prowl tells his and Jazz's creation, Blue how he and Jazz first met
Notes: I know it's late!  Please dont kill me.  I had family visiting for a few days.  Also, no I have not forgotten about prompt 22.  I'm still working on it.

Cybertronian time references similar but not equal to our own: astrosecond ~ second, klick ~ minute, joor ~ hour, cycle ~ day, deca-cycle ~ week, orn ~ month, vorn ~ year

A/N: crack fic!

Day 25: Instant Attraction

The small winged youngling smiled and giggled happily up at his father as he was being tickled with the towel. His father was always busy but he made time for his creation each and every cycle. Fatherhood was as important to him as his bondmate and then his job. And the mech never shirked in any of his duties although at times found it difficult to manage all three. And it troubled his spark deeply whenever his job took him away from his family, especially his son.

Still, these were some of the moments Prowl cherished more than anything - being with Bluestreak and watching his creation's personality become more and more like Jazz with every passing cycle. A hint of pride always flickered within his spark whenever someone mentioned how Blue's physical attributes closely resembled Prowl. However, it could compare to the bursts of joy he felt however when someone said Blue acted so much like Jazz. It meant so much more to him because of the love and devotion he held in his spark for his bondmate.

Simply put: Jazz and Bluestreak were his happiness. Without them he'd be lost.


"Yes, Blue?" Prowl asked, carefully wrapping his in a thermal blanket, being mindful of his son's winglets.

"How did you and papa meet? Was it romantic like your first date?"

"Who told you about our first date?"

"Papa did," Blue smiled, snuggling in his father's arms once he was lifted up. "He said you were so handsome and romantic that he couldn't help himself. And that it was cute when your face turned red when he kissed you."

Prowl chuckled at the memory. It wasn't the kiss that made him blush. It was the fact that Jazz boldly grabbed his aft, surprising him. The kiss silenced Prowl's yelp.

"So will you tell me how you and papa met, please? Was it love really love at first sight? 'Coz papa said he knew he loved you when he first saw you. Was it romantic too?"

"Nothing romantic I'm afraid unless you're Ironhide," Prowl chuckled and the full on laughed at the adorable puzzled look on Blue's face, an expression Prowl had seen on Jazz's faceplates every so often. There were some physical characteristics that were Jazz's - Prowl's favorite was Blue's smile, it always reminded him of Jazz. "I can tell you that yes, there was an instant attraction between Jazz and I. It was a cycle that my life changed for the better."

"We'd just lost Sentinel the orn before. The new Prime was still settling in. But already he'd earned the respect of many Autobots for his courage in battle and willingness to lay his life on the line for a fellow Autobot. Even though I worked in the tactical division, first lieutenant to Jackpot our CTO at the time, our forces were somewhat thin in Iacon. Because of my field experience from when I used to be in special ops, I volunteered for a recon mission just outside Kaon…"

It'd been three cycles of recon. Prowl diligently gathered information from his hidden perch, his armor camouflaged to blend in with the debris riddled landscape. His form unmoving and silent. He still didn't see the target - Megatron. If they were to attack the base in the hopes of capturing the Decepticon leader then he'd better be there.

But after three cycles Prowl was beginning to doubt the information he was given. It didn't appear as if Megatron was here. The Decepticons certainly didn't act like he was. Still, Prowl had his orders and for one more cycle he'd dutifully keep his optics zoomed in and take notes on his observations.

He was about to retrieve his daily ration from subspace when his sensory wing panels picked up movement behind him and to the left. Keeping his calm, Prowl didn't flinch. His wing panels remained still, unwavering. Believe it or not that single act took vorns to master for a Praxian mech's wing panels seemed to have a mind of their own, always sweeping, flowing, fluttering.

But not Prowl's. Never Prowl's. Not anymore.

It was a mech creeping ever closer. The sensor reading gauged the mechanism's body temperature. It was higher by the allotted five degrees of an average femme. The closer he got the more information Prowl was able to detect with his wing panels alone.

Spark rate slow and steady - this meant the mech was most likely a well trained assassin or saboteur.

Footfalls were virtually silent as they moved patiently - this meant he was a well seasoned operative.

Assassins and saboteurs were trained to be invisible to even the most sensitive of defense alert systems of a base or mechanism. Despite the disadvantage of them being a weakness in battle because they could easily be damaged wing panels could be more sensitive than any or all defense alert systems designed to detect stealth mechanisms. Especially if one honed their skills to the degree Prowl had done with his.

Prowl doubted that this mech ever experience the defenses of a Praxian mech's wing panels.

Spark rate increased.

Air being sucked into the mech's vents.

The quiet and quick unsheathing of a blade.

All information cycled rapidly through to Prowl's battle computer and he reacted accordingly.

He whirled around, hand reaching up and grabbing hold of his assailant's wrist, keeping the blade from coming near and doing any damage. In one swift and agile move, he used his attacker's moment against him and flung him to the ground hard. Prowl pounced, putting all his weight on the other mech while smashing the wrist he still held against the ground over and over and over until the hand opened up and the energon dagger fell.

The tables turned, Prowl unsheathed his own blade and held against the visored mech's throat and his spark suddenly stilled as he took in the beautiful face beneath him. He found himself wondering if the mech's hidden optics were just as lovely, completing the already stunning look. However, Prowl who's always in control of his emotions, quickly shook the feeling off and pressed the blade ever so slightly into the mech's neck plating with a low growl.

"Wow, yar good!" the mech grinned excited. "Yar the first mech to detect ma presence before I struck a killin' blow. Of course, I've never come across a Praxian out in the field. Didn't think yar types saw battle. Ya seemed more liked administrative work types, behind the scene too 'fraid to get ya servos dirty."

Prowl glared, unsure as to how to take that. He kind of felt insulted but wasn't sure as his processor was wandering again. His optics taking in the soft contours of the mech's face and how he wanted to caress those full lip components with his finger tips.

"I wonder…just how experienced are ya," the visored black and white mech smirked.

It was all the warning Prowl got.

His reverie broken as he was abruptly launched from his perch by the smaller mech. Wing panels tucked, he expertly tumbled and rolled up onto his peds, quickly turning to face his opponent. Prowl berated himself for acting like an idle mechling with his first crush. Still, his optics roamed over the lithe mech's form looking for an insignia of his faction.

"Very good," the smaller black and white mech praised, retrieving his dagger from the ground and returning it to its hidden location in his armor. "Ya've at least had some trainin' in Crystalocution. Not many can counter that move. Ya've got good body control too. Never seen a Praxian that could keep his wing panels so still before."

"I could say the same of you," Prowl finally spoke, not letting his guard down and trying not to take in by the mech's appealing form. "That's not an easy maneuver to make. It requires a lot of strength."

"Mech, I'm a masta."

Prowl snorted on reflex.

"Are ya callin' me a liar?" the mech questioned, his tone dark.

"If you were a master, I wouldn't have taken you down so easily," Prowl pointed out.

"Alright. I'll give ya that. Ya did surprise the slag out of me. An' that's not easy to do. Not to me."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"As it was intended. But don't let it get to ya possessor. I'm lethal."

"And I'm busy. So if we're going to duel it out then let's get it over with so I can get back to work."

The mech laughed heartily.

"I like ya. Ya don't have time for bullslag. An' ya real handsome an' regal like too with how yar wings are held so high. Kind of like a seraph."

Prowl flustered, his door wing panels flicked nervously. He wasn't expecting that! Nor was he expecting his spark to flutter within its chamber when the mech stepped closer, inhabiting his personal space, smiling and literally gave Prowl the once over ever so slowly. The mech even dared to reach up and ghost as servo over one of Prowl's wings.

"So beautiful," the mech whispered, making Prowl shudder.

Honestly, this mech could kill Prowl at this very moment and almost couldn't give a frag as long as his dying vision was of that beautiful face.

"Who are you?" Prowl whispered, noticing how the mech's spark rate increased as Prowl moved closer.

"I'm just yar local saboteur," he smirked, revealing his Autobot emblem on his chest.

"If you're an Autobot, why'd you attack me?" Prowl asked, narrowing his optics, forcing himself to take a step back.

"I wasn't gonna hurt ya, honest. I figured by how ya'd respond it would tell me if ya were a 'Con or Autobot. Can't blame a mech for bein' cautious, can ya?"

"Still, there are other ways."

"Ya, but that way was more fun! Don't tell me ya didn't get a rush, holdin' that blade to my neck. Yar optics were on fire as ya stared down at me."

Prowl swallowed hard.

An alarm suddenly reverberated loudly through the air.

"Slag they found me!" Prowl and Jazz muttered at the same time. "They found you?"

"I suggest a hasty retreat!" Prowl exclaimed when the ground exploded nearby.

"Ya'll get no arguments from me!"

Whether the mech was friend or foe, Prowl didn't care as they took off sprinting side by side across the debris ridden landscape. Both of them stride for stride zigzagged to and fro avoiding the hidden mines and Decepticon weapon's fire.

"The extraction points this way, Prowl. Follow me."

Stunned that the mech knew his name, Prowl stumbled a few steps. The smaller black and white mech was quick to help steady the doorwinger.

"How do you know my name?"

"Well, like I said, I'm a saboteur. I just happen to be on a mission plantin' explosives on the base ya were watchin'. I got a coded message to find ya an' get ya back safely to the base. It took me a full cycle to find yar cute lookin' aft."

"Woah!" Prowl yelped as he tripped and fell flat on his face, which was heated and probably bright red from the comment and not the fall!

The friendly saboteur laughed while helping Prowl to his feet, "I take it yar not used to compliments like that!"

"Honestly, I've never met a mech like you," Prowl chuckled as they took off running again.

"Same here," he smirked glancing over at Prowl. "Anyways, yar needed back in Iacon immediately - the Prime's orders. I'm to keep ya safe 'til we reach the base."

"You call this keeping me safe?"

"Wait for it," the smaller black and white mech smirked.

A few astroseconds went by before a huge explosion erupted behind them. Both mechs stopped and turned to see the enormous fireball bloom. Their pursuers stopped and immediately headed back to the base.

"You wouldn't happen to know if Megatron was on that base?" Prowl asked, turning to face the saboteur.

"Nah, I searched all over. He wasn't there," the mech frowned.

"So do you have a name or should I just call you…master saboteur," Prowl joked.

"Oh, yar good, mech. My name's…"

The moment happened so fast. Prowl's sensory panel picked up the incoming shot at the same time the blast rippled across the terrain. Reacting on instinct, based on the trajectory of the incoming shot, Prowl moved and yanked the saboteur out of the way, cutting him off mid sentence.

An instant later searing white pain ripped through Prowl's left wing panel knocking to his knees. He looked over his shoulder and saw a hole in his wing panel the size of a fist. The pain was too much. Alert warnings flashed over his HUD. One by one his systems started shutting down.

"Stay wit' me mech!" a voice said, a black hand smacking him in the face. "Prowl!"

Prowl lost consciousness while staring at that beautiful face, terrified he was probably never going to see it again.

"I went offline," Prowl explained to Bluestreak who was sitting there totally enthralled with his winglets perked up high. "The pain was too much."

"Then what happened? Was papa there holding your hand when you woke up?" Blue excitedly asked. "Did he kiss you to wake you up? Did you kiss him?"

"Actually, no he wasn't there when I came out of stasis. In fact, I was already back in Iacon. Ratchet said the medical bot from the base near Kaon put me into medical stasis because he didn't know how to repair doorwings. As to how I was rescued, or even who the name of the saboteur was all a mystery to Ratchet and more so to me."

"That's it! You didn't even get his name or anything? But…"

Prowl laughed, rubbing Blue's helm.

"Relax, Blue. I'm not finished with the story. It took me two cycles to recover from my injury. On the third cycle I was released from the medical bay and called to see the Prime…"

"Thank you, Sir," Prowl said with a heavy spark as he looked around his commander and mentor's office. It was to be his office now. "I only wish it was under better circumstances that I achieved this position."

"I do as well," Optimus sighed. "Still, Jackpot highly recommended as his replacement if anything were to ever happened to him. I look forward to working with you…Commander Prowl."

"As I you, Prime," Prowl responded, bowing his head.

"Very well, now I know you still have the cycle off, per Ratchet's orders. But I understand how dedicated you are and how you like to work efficiently. So, for today you have an assistant to help you pack up any of Jackpot's personal affects and move your own into the office."

"Sir, I…"

Optimus raised a hand, silencing Prowl.

"It was the only way Ratchet would allow you to do this," Prime said.

"Still, you shouldn't have to assign a mech to help me. I could have ask one of the staff."

"I didn't assign him. He volunteered."

"Oh. Then I will have to thank him, Sir. And thank you."

"You're welcome. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for our morning briefing. You'll be officially introduced as my SIC to the other officers then, all of whom you already know. First order of business will be to assign the new batch of recruits and transfers to all the available positions we have open. Here's a data pad for you with all the pertinent information you need including backgrounds on each profile and the list of positions available."

"I thought I was ordered not to work today, Sir," Prowl smirked, taking the data pad.

"If you recall, I did comment on my knowing how dedicated you are. Mechs like us do not take cycles off even when ordered. Besides, I'm fully aware that Jackpot always delegated this particular duty to you because he hated to do it and you were too efficient as his assistant and he always had to give you extra work to keep you busy."

Prowl laughed fondly, "Yes, he often commented on me being too efficient. Still, I learned a lot from him. I will do my best to honor his teachings."

"I'm sure you will," Prime said as the door chimed. "Ah, that must be Jazz, your volunteer and one of the transfers you'll be finding a job for. I think if you check his dossier you'll find he'll be an excellent addition to your special ops division in tactical."

"Excellent, Sir. We lost too many good operatives this last orn," Prowl commented immediately pulling up Jazz's profile on the data pad. "It has been most difficult to replace them."

The door chimed again.

"I'll let him in as I leave. Congratulations and don't work too hard this cycle or Ratchet will have my aft."

"I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen, Sir," Prowl said, making Prime laugh heartily, Prowl's optics already focused back on the datapad by the time Prime opened the door.

"Go right in, Jazz. He's expecting you."

"Thank ya, Prime, Sir!"

Prowl's spark stilled upon hearing that voice. A voice he replayed in his processor over and over while recovering in the medical bay along with visions of the beautiful mech that came with it. Ever so slowly did he lift his gaze hoping his audio receptors weren't playing a trick on him.

"Ya know, if I'd known ya were gonna be Prime's new second in command I would have taken better care of ya," Jazz warmly smiled, closing and locking the door. Then he slightly bowed his head. "But ya have my eternal gratitude for savin' my life."

"I'm sure I can say the same for you as you did get me out of there alive even though I was unconscious, Jazz," Prowl spoke, as the saboteur moved into Prowl's personal space. He heard a soft sigh escape from the short black and white mech.

"Yeah, yar a lot heavier than ya look!" Jazz joked but then quickly turned serious, one servo reached to caress the injured wing panel. "And I'd do it again and again. Anything for my handsome, regal seraph."

"The feeling's mutual," Prowl murmured, datapad falling to the floor, both hands reaching to hold that beautiful face. He was rewarded with a loving smile as the visor retracted into the helm armor, revealing the most gorgeous pair of deep cobalt optics Prowl had ever seen. He literally gasped out loud. "Primus you're beautiful."

"Did you kiss him? Did you kiss him?" Blue asking bouncing up and down excitedly on his father's lap.

"He most certainly did," Jazz answered from the doorway. "Yar father could never resist kissin' me."

"Papa!" Blue squealed, leaping from his father's lap and racing across the room.

"Hey li'l Blue. I missed ya this cycle," Jazz smiled, lifting up and holding his son close to his chassis.

"I missed you too!"

"Ya been a good li'l mech for yar father?"

"Mostly," Blue answered making both his parents laugh.

"He was good even during his bath, minimal amount of splashing on me," Prowl smiled fondly, making Blue giggle.

Then suddenly Blue yawned loudly.

"I see. Yar father should know better than to keep ya up past yar recharge time," Jazz said, throwing a mock glare at Prowl.

"He wanted to know how we first met," Prowl shrugged, following his bondmate into Blue's room. "I couldn't help but get swept away with the story as I told him."

"It was a wonderful story," Blue yawned, his optics starting to dim, small frame already relaxing as his systems started cycling down.

"I'm sure it was. G'night, sweetspark," Jazz whispered, kissing Blue's helm.

Bluestreak was already in recharge by the time his head hit the pillow.

"Goodnight, son," Prowl said, kissing Blue's forehead while covering him up.

Then Prowl took hold of Jazz's hand and led him out of the room. And once the door was shut his lips descended affectionately onto Jazz's.

"Hmm…definitely what I needed after this cycle's shift," Jazz hummed, allowing Prowl to lead him into their berth room. "Too bad I missed the story telling. How we met is one of my favorites."

"Its ok. You got back just in time for a re-enactment of the story's end," Prowl smirked.

"Only one problem, no desk in here."

"I'm sure we can improvise," Prowl said as the tumbled onto the berth.

"Good thing I came home when I did," Jazz grinned, snuggling beneath Prowl. "Can't have our son traumatized by the fact that his creators interfaced like horny petro bunnies before their first date!"

"But then we couldn't interface or see each other romantically for at least a couple of deca-cycles after that first cycle. The entire base would have thought you interfaced with me to get the position has head of special operations! A new position I came up with knowing it was time ops had their own department while still working close with tactical."

"I still remember the look on ya face when ya realized that fact," Jazz laughed. "Mech, that was classic!"

"Could you blame me?"

"No. But it was so fraggin' hard workin' wit' ya an' not bein' able to touch ya or acknowledge the love I felt fo ya 'coz of it. So, when I figured enough time had passed I asked ya out for a date when a lot of mechs were around. Ya're so cute an' adorable when ya get flustered, chokin' on yar energon."

"Hmm, yes, my embarrassment aside, I do recall our first date. What exactly did you tell Blue? Because I know our first date was spent in that shuttle adrift in orbit around the moon while I ravished you for joors."

"Well of course I couldn't tell Blue that's what happened on our first date. So I told 'im the events of our second date as if it was our first."

"Let's just hope he doesn't ask anyone else about our first date. The last thing I want is for his young mind to be corrupted."

"No, we can't have that," Jazz purred, pulling Prowl's face down for a deeply passionate kiss. "Now my handsome seraph…this beauty needs to be interfaced senseless."

"As you wish!"

"Father, papa?" Bluestreak suddenly called while knocking on their berthroom door.

"Don't stop, he should go right back to recharge," Jazz whispered. Prowl nodded and went back to nibbling on Jazz's neck. "What is it Blue?"

"I was kind of a little thirsty for some energon. Just a tiny sip. But if you and father are busy interfacing I can wait. How long do you usually take?" Blue asked through the door.

"Oh Primus," Jazz laughed.

"So much for trying to save his young mind! Stop laughing, I'm sure hearing it will only encourage him and make it worse!"

"Well, he is our son and we're not innocent mechs," Jazz snorted, making Prowl roll his optics.

"Stay out there, Blue. I'll be there in a klick," Prowl shouted, trying to extract himself from Jazz's clinging limbs and grabbing servos.

"Wow, that's fast, father! Is that some kind of record?"

Jazz lost all control, laughing wildly at Blue's comment and at the mortified look on Prowl's face.

The End.

30 days and 30 nights, cracked fic, challenge 2010, prowlxjazz

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