Just Served (Part 1) (?)

Aug 15, 2012 18:45

Title: Just Served (part 1)
Author: FangedKnight (Prowler44, etc etc. It's me)
Pairing: Bruce/Clark, Superman/Batman
Rating: T / T + Rating may go up later on.
Warnings: None so far
Summary: OTP + Volleyball = this. Part one here hopefully if this works I’ll make a part two. 
Author’s Note: Hi guys! Finally getting this up! I’m pretty happy and excited about it. Let me know if you like it and I’ll (hopefully) write a second part to it! Also so sorry if it’s really crappy but I was up late last night with no glasses on during a thunderstorm writing this. -shakes fist at Thor-  

~ ~ ~ ~
The sun was shining down on the clear blue water of the ocean that gently caressed the golden beach with every drift in and out of the tide. People were scattered all across the luxurious shore, some in the water, others near it. Some were building sand castles, others sun bathing. 
But there were two beach goers that weren’t exactly in character.

One was sitting in the shade of a big umbrella, while the other was busy trying to play volleyball by himself.

Clark served the ball again, the white, blue, and green volleyball flying through the air and over the net, landing on the sand of the unoccupied side of the court. He exhaled softly and walked under the net to retrieve his ball. It wasn’t by chance that Clark Kent, reporter for the Daily Planet, was all the way out here at a private beach resort somewhere in the Caribbean.

Perry had originally assigned both Lois and Clark to write a review of the place and alos include any celebrities that they might find. But Lois had gotten sick and couldn’t go, which meant that Clark had to go alone. Not that he minded traveling alone; he had traveled solo many times before he came to Metropolis. So much so that it didn’t bother him anymore.

Clark did a jump serve from the other side of the court, his eyes widening in embarrassment and horror as the volleyball went sailing away from the court and straight towards the secluded beach umbrella that was separated from the rest of the crowds while still staying in the middle of the beach.

Oh no… Oh no no no! Quickly running after the ball he was too late as it bounced once and rolled into the once organized nest of beach towels and blankets, coolers, and a large beach umbrella.

“I’m so sorry!” he said as he stopped just outside the small shell of beach accessories, his face flushed in embarrassment.

“It’s alright.” A low voice replied from within the cozy cocoon of blankets and beach towels, “Happens to the best of us.” 
Clark smiled sheepishly as the man who the voice belonged to stepped out into the light, run away volleyball tucked safely under his arm. The man was dressed similarly to Clark and every other beach goer there that day. Barefoot, sunglasses, and black swim trunks adorned the tall and very well built brunette man in front of him.

“I saw you playing before junior here decided to roll away.” He smirked, “Isn’t beach volleyball supposed to be two on two?”

Clark scratched the back of his neck and his face flushed again. “Ah… well, I’m not exactly one to be picked for teams all the time. My name’s Clark by the way,” he smiled and held his hand out to the man who returned the handshake.

“Bruce, it’s a pleasure to meet you Clark. Say, I’m not too bad at Volleyball myself, mind if I play with you?” He flashed Clark a charming smile, almost daring him to say no, which Clark absolutely could not do.

“Really? I mean… of course! I’d love to.”

Together they walked back over to the Volleyball net and Bruce held the ball out to Clark. “First serve?” Clark nodded and grinned. “Sure.”

When they both got situated on their respective sides of the net, Clark easily served the ball and sent it flying over the net to Bruce. Thinking that he should’ve pulled back some more on the serve, he was expecting that Bruce wouldn’t be able to return it but to his surprise, Bruce expertly dug the ball and sent it right back over the net at Clark.

That’s how their first volley started and went for some time until Clark fumbled and missed it on a dive. Tossing the ball to Bruce he got ready and waited for the serve. It didn’t take long for Bruce to set up and perform a perfect jump serve, running right into the middle of the court as soon as the ball cleared the net to begin the next volley.

The game progressed this way for a while, every so often one of them would score on the other and Clark would quick write the new score in the sand off to the side.  Soon it came to the third set of the match and match point. Clark had won the first set while Bruce had won the second. Bruce was leading 14-13, but Clark still had a chance to make a comeback.

“Ready to lose Clark?”

“Not today Bruce! Ask me tomorrow!” he laughed.

Bruce served and Clark easily returned it, he assumed that it would be just the same as it had been the past two sets; both of them sending it back and forth with one hit until someone missed. But that wasn’t the case this time.

To Clark’s surprise, instead of sending the ball over the net again, Bruce bumped it to the right on his own side of the net. Quickly running over to it he then set it high in the air, giving him time to run towards the left and leap into the air for a spike.

Clark was completely caught off guard and enamored by the sight before him. Sometime during the match, Bruce’s sunglasses were tossed to the side and beautiful blue eyes were revealed. Here and now Clark was struck by the determination and concentration shining in them. Star struck by taking in the way that every muscle in Bruce’s body flex and moved as his hand connected with the ball. Time seemed to start again as the ball came flying down and hit the sand hard, directly in front of Clark even as he dived for it too late.

Bruce let out a whoop of victory and ran under the net to help a very dumbstruck Clark up out of the sand. “Great game, sorry I beat you today.”

Clark smiled and did his best to hide his blush with a laugh as he now noticed every sweaty inch of muscle that made up his new found friend.  “It’s okay Bruce, you were fantastic. Where’d you learn to do that anyways?”

“Ah, I’ve always had a love for sports and I used to play Volleyball in school.”

“Well now I know what I’m up against.” Clark chuckled as he collected his volleyball.

Bruce grinned and clapped Clark on the back, “Good. You’ll be ready for the next game then.”

Clark blinked. Did he hear that right? Did Bruce actually want to play with him again?

“Well… if you want to…” Bruce added when he saw Clark’s puzzled look.

“I’d love to….” Clark said as they headed back up the beach together. Bruce led him over to the nest of beach towels and blankets under the umbrella, sitting down next to Clark; he smiled as they watched the sun set over the ocean together. 
(The End~)

bruce wayne, superbat, slash, clark kent/bruce wayne, fanfiction, clark kent, yaoi, batman, superman

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