✖OOC Information
Name: Casha
LJ: __wilderness__
E-Mail: Wilderness_Child@hotmail.com
IM: MSN: Wilderness_Child@hotmail.com, YIM: Wilderness_Child, AIM: cashamayfield
Characters played at EGU: N/A
Dropped any?: N/A
✖ Character Information
Name: Prowl
Series: Transformers G1, but humanised obviously
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: What’s that now? ;) (Undecided)
School year: Sophomore
Major: Criminology
Minor: History
Residence: Hibiscus 105
Occupation: N/A
A fairly average height of 5'8", slim and fairly well built (weight approx. 160lb), Prowl manages to carry himself with a strange elegance. He has short black hair (that’s a little longer than regulations state but only because he gets so caught up studying he forgets to get it cut). Prowl tends to be a smart dresser, erring more towards shirts and trousers than casual wear. Which means when he does dress casual, it takes everyone by surprise.
PB: Kwon Sang Woo
Initially Prowl comes off as being very serious, yet he does have a sense of humor. It’s just hidden rather well. And rather dry. Sometimes when he is actually joking, no-one realises, thinking he’s still being serious. This has lead to some awkward situations in the past.
A keen academic, Prowl wishes to learn, and learn as much as he can. Away from the war zone that is Cybertron, he finds the relative peace of university life rather soothing. He can study for hours, poring over books and making copious amounts of notes in small neat handwriting.
He doesn’t socialise much admittedly, unsure on how to interact with others in a setting outside of classes. This means he comes over as being a little shy and unsure. When in fact, he is quite confident. Just not in dealing with people. Give him numbers and dates and facts and he’s at home. Stick him in a crowded room and expect him to get along with everyone… well, that just doesn’t work.
He prefers to spend his free time studying, anything to help him gain a better understanding of his ravaged homeland. To help him fight against the Decepticons and restore Cybertron to what it was in the past, back in the ‘Golden Age’.
Born and raised in the capital city of Iacon, Prowl has known war most of his life. At least, that’s how it feels. His mother is dead, killed in a skirmish on the borders of the city when Prowl was twelve, leaving his father to bring him up while hiding his own grief. To this end, Prowl kept his emotions hidden, not letting on to his father how much he missed his mother. To honor her memory, he joined the Autobots as soon as he could.
Prowl showed an aptitude for planning and tactics, something that lead to him quickly rising through the ranks of the Autobots. He planned many successful attacks and defences before the Decepticons set their sights on him. Ambushed on a routine patrol, he found himself fighting for his life. Thankfully, his comrades fought his attackers off and bore him back to Iacon.
Where he proceeded to have a small breakdown.
The medics suggested a leave of absence, a chance for Prowl to relax and have something of a normal life. So he moved to Lindell and applied to Evergrove University, well aware that several Autobots had also taken this route, a chance at a somewhat more peaceful life.
Prowl still works as tirelessly as he can to further the Autobot cause, looking over plans and tactics in between his studies.
Third Person:
Saturday morning found Prowl sitting in Coffee Row; nose buried in a history textbook, a strong black coffee at his elbow. Every so often, he would put the book down and start writing notes, small neat handwriting covering the page. Everything about him was neat, down to the freshly pressed shirt he wore. No-one ever dressed that smartly at 8am on a Saturday morning, not unless they had to work.
Except Prowl.
He would stay in Coffee Row until the Library opened. Then he would spend his afternoon studying, going over his notes from the previous weeks lectures, researching topics only briefly mentioned by his professors. Anything to keep his mind busy. Anything to stop him from thinking about home.
Although, it was never far from his mind. For all the inhabitants of Cybertron, war was a way of life now. That they survived and escaped the country, even just for a few years was enough to show them that there was a world outside their own country. Shaking his head, Prowl took a sip of his coffee, needing the caffeine. He’d stayed up late studying, while his roommate was out partying. Prowl just couldn’t see the appeal in going out and getting so drunk that he couldn’t remember what he’d been doing. Far better to learn and understand how to deal with the Decepticons than forget who he was for a night.
Three coffees later, he made his way over to the Library, intent on studying some more.
As he walked, he saw a few students milling around; some he knew, some he didn’t. Most ignored him as he walked past. Which he was grateful for. He just didn’t seem to grasp the social aspects of the University, far preferring to study alone.
Reaching the Library, he made himself comfortable at his usual desk, smiling to the Librarian as he passed. They all knew him here. It was quiet here. Peaceful. So unlike home. Home… Pausing in opening his book, Prowl let his thoughts drift back to his home. Not the one that had been destroyed by the war, but his home amongst the Autobots. He’d blanked out the attack. Selective amnesia the doctors had called it. Either way, he was actually grateful for this chance at normalcy the University provided. He wanted to learn. He wanted to do the best he could so he could return a better man, more able to defend his home against the Decepticons.
First Person:
I really don’t want to do this. I don’t want to be here. I’ve got studying to be doing, I don’t want to be sitting here trying to be sociable. Especially with them.
Oh frag.
I swear, I actually felt a shiver of fear run down my spine as the Twins approached. They worry me. And yet, they worry about me. Apparently, it’s not ‘healthy’ for me to be studying so much. I should be getting out and enjoying myself. But what if I don’t want to? Have they ever considered that?
Kwon Sang Woo - lots of pictures to be found