Apr 04, 2005 23:12
Whoa... it's been a while since I updated and a lot of crazy stuff has happened. But before I get too deep into all of the juicy details of my exciting life I have a little story to tell.
So I got this dog, his name is Frank. Frank is an 8-month old, white-furred freak of a beagle. Now when I say he is a freak I'm not exagerating. Frank is what vets call a "Lemon" beagle- they have really light fur and light eyes and a special nervous disorder that basically means they are terrified of everything and really dumb. Just to give you an idea what this means in Frank's case, the week we got our Christmas tree Frank was so scared of it he wouldn't even go in that part of the living room for like three days. He'd just stand in the other corner of the room with his tail tucked into his ass and bark at the ferocious monster Christmas tree. Everyday my older beagle, Ben, humps the shit out of him and Frank just stands there and takes it like Scott Peterson on an all black cell block. The first time it snowed he wouldn't even go outside; when he finally did he walked behind me the whole time jumping from footprint to footprint. Getting to the story though last Wednsday I'm chilling on the phone at like 10:30 and I decide to go back to my room so my pops will think Im in bed. Frank follows me back and it's not long before I notice my room wreaks like pure dog shit. Eww! I figure it's probably just Frank having gross dog gas so I kick him out of my room and start to count some birthday money that had been left out by my bed. A couple minutes later and it's still stinking- Im uber ticked and grossed out. I start searching for the inevitable and it's not long before I discover a stinking pile of puppy diarhea underneath my desk. I run down the hall to get my dad and he comes in to help me clean it up. First thing he does is open my window and send me out to the car to get this little mini-carpet cleaner. I go outside and it's windy as hell; at our old aparment we had a cheap door that liked to blow open if you didnt lock it and it was really windy outside. You can guess where this is going- the door blows open and Frank decides now would be a good time to take off out the door. Right as this is happening the sky opens up and it starts pouring. It's now raining cats and dogs, its thundering and lightning is lighting up the whole sky while I am running at a dead sprint after a (literally) retarded puppy. Just because he is dumb doesnt mean he's not fast as hell. By some miracle I caught him- making a diving tackle on top of him and getting all muddy in the process. I drag him back to the house by the collar and right as we get to the door he pukes all over the place- real cool Frank. After I finally get him in the house and get the carpet cleaner I return to my room. The wind coming in through the window is now blowing every loose paper in my room all over the place- the 75$ that I had been counting on my bed is gone. Great, 75$ is literally out the window. For the next 10 minutes me and my dad tear my room and the porch outside my window apart looking for my vanished money only to discover it in a corner behind my bed tucked in with a pile of dirty clothes. After that we spent another 10 minutes of our lives scrubbing puppy shit out of my nice clean carpet. Moral of the story? Frank, my retarded dog, sucks the big one. Sorry Frank.
Now that I have got that out of the way I can move on to bigger and better things, like Spring Break. Friday as most of you probably know was the last day of school. I had tests in all of my classes and a couple big projects- that's why I decided itd be cool to come in half day for the second time in a week. Definitely didnt do any of my big assignments either but it's all good. That night I went up to Lafeyette with a random group- me, Corbino, the Nazi, Kaleigh, and Erin. We went to Steak and Shake and the record shop while they made Terry Schiavo jokes, it was all good though because I got a giant Marley poster and his cd Confrontation; if you havent heard it listen to the opening track, Chant Down Babylon, all I have to say is wow. I came home and slept in my new house- it was wicked. Saturday was the big day; we moved into our new house. Im so fortunate to live in a place that nice, I really dont know what Im going to do with all the space so I think ill just have a bunch of people over all the time and share it. That night the guys who helped move and some other dudes came over and hung out. They all made jokes about the Pope and Terry Schiavo- they suck! We went to Applebees and stuff and it was a rad time. Yesterday was kind of quiet, we mainly just chilled out and that night I rode around with Trella, Page, Alaina, and Ruiz while they threw water balloons at random cars. Then me and ruiz came back to the new house and somebody passed out in my street. It was nuts. Today was alright I guess. I rode my bike and me and Corbin went and lifted and then we went tanning. We're in touch with our feminine side! Break is kind of quiet but Im not complaining because as of Wednsday I am going to be the proud owner of a dodge intrepid and an Indiana driver's liscense; life is most definitely good. I hope all you kids are having fun over break, stay safe and have a good one, peace.