Jan 14, 2009 17:40
I am often resistant to share my resolutions because I fear looking like a quitter if I don't accomplish them. This is not to imply that I would think that of anyone else, but we are always our harshest critics, aren't we?
However, there is one resolution that I am excited to share--yoga. I wanted to re-introduce fitness into my life (which has disappeared ever since the college days with klsafie when I had the best persion ever to motivate me) and I also wanted an outlet of peace and calm in my life. Why not kill two birds with one stone and try yoga.
While I look like a goon while everyone else in the room hits poses expertly and my kness shake when I trying to stand with one foor in the air and one hand on the ground, while reaching over my shoulder with the other one, and looking up with my eyes closed and counting my breaths, I still loved it. I suddenly have new goals in this realm--I wonder when I will be able to achieve that pose or balance another.
After class I was sweaty and smiling. This is a resolution that I'm not going to struggle to keep. :)
On an unrelated note, I e-mailed Chris Crutcher (famed young adult author who pushes limits, fights censorship, and understands teenagers) last night to express my gratitude to him for writing The Sledding Hill (a must read by anyone who thinks that teens have a mind of thier own and shouldn't be pushed around by extremist conservatives who dictate eduation). He e-mailed me back today! It was brief, but actually personalized in reply to what I had said to him. How awesome. I must now purchase the rest of his books. :)