While I do hope none of you ever need discover this first-hand, I've just learned another fringe benefit of being homeless; sleeping in rather abnormal places.
Tomorrow will be one week since I managed to get evicted, again. Most nights I've been sleeping in a fairly predictable place; the garage, under my motorcycle. Last time I did that I was in Charlottesville, and obviously we were outside. But the other night I suddenly remembered another place, one I actually wanted to sleep.
In Germany in '96, remaining behind when the rest of the study abroad students returned to Newark, I took to staying in a number of youth hostels. For some people it is likely no option. I'm not some people. Sadly, Americans seem not to get them; our cities tend not to have many. Philly has two. One is in Center City,
the other is in Fairmount Park.
$23 for non-members, coffee in the morning with self-serve pancakes (self-serve as in you cook and clean). The main building is near 200 years old, the other seems to be quite old also, especially since it was, likely, the carriage house. Both buildings are dorms, although the main house has rather spacious common areas along with the kitchen.
Curious sort of blessing, really. I just wanted to go get a shower. But "they" say God works in strange and mysterious ways. But I keep learning that's true only if you don't understand Him.