Well, not really snakes, as such. More like worms, at least the eggs that had already hatched.
I went out and retrieved the first one yesterday, around noon. It occurred to me that mom was most definitely not going to be maternal in the least, leaving the poor thing to end up baking in the lunch sun. It was wailing, and Cinna was just lying there in the shade about 20 feet away. I asked the roommate to drive me to the pet shop and the grocery; everyone loved the kitten, once they realized what the little grey lump on my shoulder was; one lady in the pet shop took a photo on her cell.
Took me a bit to get her to eat, I didn't want to shove the rubber nipple in her mouth, but that is what it took. Ace is livid.
I heard the rest of the brood this morning, after Fidgit went to sleep. After I found them I decided to wait to see if mom had gotten back any kind of proper instinct; she hadn't. I went out near 2, and they each were covered with eggs. Once I got hold of a flea comb, I started in on the black one; many eggs had hatched.
I spent a good long evening combing, and Q-tipping their rear-ends. I mixed up a poultice out of honey, olive oil, and aloe. They're fed, goat's milk; I don't have the cash for formula and apparently cats are lactose intolerant, so cow's milk, even raw, is out. They're sleeping, together. I'll check them again before my bedtime.
I may keep the one. I need to ask if I'm allowed to bring the others to synagogue to give away.