Title: Nothin' But A Numbers Game
mizzy2kWritten for:
lmx_v3point3 for the 2011 Leverage Secret Santa
Rating: R
Characters: Nathan Ford/Eliot Spencer
Spoilers: All the way up to "The Experimental Job"
Warnings: Assassinations. Violence. Non-linear.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Summary: This first one, he's a weedy shmuck in his late forties, skin taught and peeling. Eliot comes up from behind him, just enough in sight for the guy to see Eliot's eyes in the reflection of his window, and then Eliot snaps the guy's neck.
Nothin' But A Numbers Game A Once Upon a Time crossover:
Title: Gaze In Your Mirror (and see yourself)
mizzy2kWritten for:
whiskyinmind for the 2011 Leverage Secret Santa
Rating: T
Characters: Eliot Spencer/Emma Swan
Spoilers: Vague reference to "The Experimental Job".
Warnings: Dead body.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Summary: Eliot gets a call out of the blue from an ex-flame, bounty hunter Emma Swan.
Gaze In Your Mirror