So, fellow Kaniac and Grifter
ladymorgana13 and I were on the phone the second that The Reunion Job finished last night, hashing out the deets of the two awesome shows and squeeing over the slash and OT3 goodness.
And then, the subject of Sophie's real name came up. What is it? What could it be? Have we already heard it?
Then... I came up with a theory.
Every name that we've heard her use throughout the series has been a pretty, feminine name. Therefore, I think that her real name is something... not so pretty. Is she a Mabel? An Ethel? A Gurtrude? A Prudence? And then...
ladymorgana13 came up with a name... what I now think of as THE name. Dorcas.
What do you guys think? Any other theories about Sophie's Real Name?
*side note: Dorcas was Julie Numar's character name in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.