That is one hundred percent accurate! If by "star" you meant "I read that one fic of yours that one time and now I am obsessed with Homestuck." Which I certainly did.
Shit. Shit that is a hard question. I'm still not all the way caught up yet, but ummmmmmm KARKAT. (That is not actually a hard question. It's entirely possible I spent all weekend making a felt doll of him. But uuuuuuh it's probably better I don't admit to that in absolutes. He's just such a little bitch, yanno?) But basically every time the Exiles are on screen I weep noisy tears of joy. I can't pick a kid! I love John kind of the best because he is so STUPID, but all the other kids are so cool for so many other reasons!!!!!!!!!!
It's true all the kids are great!!!!!!!! I really like Jade, but John is so derpy and a good protagonist!
Karkat is the best troll tho, it's true. (Vriska and Terezi are great, too ... and I have a horrible fondness for Eridan despite knowing how awful he is hahaha.) please not also that out of all of these i have a WV icon so so
i need to catch up tho, i'm like two weeks behind, i've been so busy ;__; a good word. Terezi is my homegirl (nyuk nyuk nyuk <-sometimes I hate myself)! I also really like Gamzee? Which I guess will not work out all that well for me in the long run T_T. Eridan and I basically share a wardrobe, so there's that for increased awfulness. I'm stripping all my friends of social lives by making them read it too, I putting a heavy amount of the blame on you, fair warning.
Haha, that's awesome though! Oh god, catching up right now is ... ooooh god -
Where are you in the story right now? I guess you haven't reached the stuff Gamzee does, haha, if you say that won't work out for you! (but you must have some inkling of spoilers, right?) There's soo much stuff going on at once in this comic, it is ridiculous.
I've only just joined the trolls in Alternia. (Karkat is gnashing his teeth and pounding his keyboard atm but I'm pretty sure that will happen on the regular so it's a crap indicator.) No one has even died yet!!!! LIE TO ME AND SAY EVERYONE WILL BE OKAY.
Hahahahahahahaha ye8h everyone will 8e fine!!!!!!!! Don't worry, all the trolls will make it out 8live and healthy!!!!!!!! Not lick of trou8le there, no ma'am!
As an aside ... what do you think of the soundtracks? Have you gotten any? I just bought one of the new ones and it is pretty fun to listen to! Honestly, I think Homestuck music is some of the only music I've paid for lately that's not on vinyl just since I know Hussie'll be fair in paying out to his musicians and it's a cool thing they do, haha. I wonder if the music's as cool to someone who doesn't just L8VE VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!
Basically fairy-tale endings all around EXACTLY AS I SUSPECTED. Foreshadowing? What foreshadowing?
I have never played a video game in my life (this homestuck thing has been reaaaaaally weird and awesome for me) and I am a bit bonkers for the music! Would you say the album was worth it? I've just been listening to what I can find on youtube and scrolling frantically away to avoid spoilers in the videos. Not that that matters much, considering pretty much every spoiler is like: and then x murdered y by gruesome means of z and EVERYONE CRIED TEARS OF BLOOD.
The idea of coming to Homestuck from a non-gaming background is really interesting to me since SO MUCH OF IT is rooted in goofy-ass video game tropes! It's great to know it's still fun without it, though. I always like hearing nongamers' thoughts on it, idk idk. Like all the inventory stuff is THE BEST. (the plotty stuff is also the best but i have a fondness for the early parts too, lol).
So far I've bought album 4 and the recent "Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido" one which is PRETTY COOL. I love the whole music team, just because it's all such a cool mix of sounds. I think Radiation and Michael J Bowman are my favorites, so! I need to look into getting other albums now that I have some spare cash floating around in my account hahaha. I'd get vol 4 if I were you, though, but maybe that's just because I like Hardlyquin, Carefree Victory, Sburban Jungle and Black ... a LOT. uh. the other tracks own on it too so!!
who's your fav kid or troll
This is ridiculous.
I want my brain back.
Karkat is the best troll tho, it's true. (Vriska and Terezi are great, too ... and I have a horrible fondness for Eridan despite knowing how awful he is hahaha.)
please not also that out of all of these i have a WV icon so
i need to catch up tho, i'm like two weeks behind, i've been so busy ;__;
Where are you in the story right now? I guess you haven't reached the stuff Gamzee does, haha, if you say that won't work out for you! (but you must have some inkling of spoilers, right?) There's soo much stuff going on at once in this comic, it is ridiculous.
As an aside ... what do you think of the soundtracks? Have you gotten any? I just bought one of the new ones and it is pretty fun to listen to! Honestly, I think Homestuck music is some of the only music I've paid for lately that's not on vinyl just since I know Hussie'll be fair in paying out to his musicians and it's a cool thing they do, haha. I wonder if the music's as cool to someone who doesn't just L8VE VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!
I have never played a video game in my life (this homestuck thing has been reaaaaaally weird and awesome for me) and I am a bit bonkers for the music! Would you say the album was worth it? I've just been listening to what I can find on youtube and scrolling frantically away to avoid spoilers in the videos. Not that that matters much, considering pretty much every spoiler is like: and then x murdered y by gruesome means of z and EVERYONE CRIED TEARS OF BLOOD.
So far I've bought album 4 and the recent "Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido" one which is PRETTY COOL. I love the whole music team, just because it's all such a cool mix of sounds. I think Radiation and Michael J Bowman are my favorites, so! I need to look into getting other albums now that I have some spare cash floating around in my account hahaha. I'd get vol 4 if I were you, though, but maybe that's just because I like Hardlyquin, Carefree Victory, Sburban Jungle and Black ... a LOT. uh. the other tracks own on it too so!!
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