Quite possibly the last meme of 2010.

Dec 16, 2010 11:50

List your top five bests and worsts for the year in each category. (5+5=2010! :)) Tag ten friends to do the same. Snag it if you want it!

If you're curious about other categories, comment with them and I'll list 10 for you!

Stole this from sgmajorshipper . I should have been sleeping at the time.

Things you've accomplished:
1) Won NaNo for the third time!
2) I think I have been more honest. With myself, with my friends, and with my family. I think my parents have finally realized that I am not - nor will I ever be - a musician. At the same time, I have become strangely reconciled to instrumental music. I feel like this can be blamed on the HTTYD soundtrack.
3) Watched all 3 LotR Extended Editions in one day. Yey! I am awesome!
4) Started watching Merlin and lost my mind.
5) Cleaned my room for the first time in about 10 years and actually gave stuff away. This is srs bzns, you guys.

Things you regret:
6) Getting a job. (What? Just because it was necessary doesn't mean I have to like it. It cuts into my reading time.)
7) Cutting my finger on the slicer at work. :/ But I did get a pretty awesome story out of it, so it's not very much of a regret.
8) My mouth bleeding profusely after my surgery. Not that I had any control over this, so it isn't really a regret either, but I wish it hadn't happened all the same.
9) I wish I had read more and written more.
10) I didn't finish making my chandelier. :(

Songs you love:
GAH, I can only pick FIVE??? *dead*
1) Everything on Brooke Fraser's new album - Something in the Water and Betty and Orphans, Kingdoms and Crows + Locusts and Here's to You and asdfjkl;asdfjkl; she is so awesome.
2) Everything on Anberlin's new album, but mostly The Art of War and To the Wolves. And You Belong Here!
3) Eisley's Room Noises album (Apparently I have a problem with picking single songs.)
4) The Tangled Soundtrack.
5)OneRepublic's Waking Up album.
I feel I should give out some honourable mentions: The Lady of Shalott (Loreena McKennitt), Forever & Almost Always (Kate Voegele), Lights's album, The Only Exception (Paramore), Samson (Regina Spektor), Uncharted (Sara Bareilles) Two is Better than One (Boys Like Girls & Taylor Swift) and Do You Feel (The Rocket Summer).
Also: What is this, Relient K? Don't I get new music this year?

Songs you loathe:
6) Anything from Glee.
7) Winter Wonderland. Any version. I did not hate this song til I got a job. (JOBS ARE EVIL.)
8) Tik Tok (This song! It's so terrible, but you everytime you hear it, you're like 8D 'tik tok on the clock but the party don't - ACK! MAKE IT STOP!')
9) Teenage Dream. Or California Girls (or however she spells it!) Or anything else by Katy Perry.
10) Baby. Justin Bieber. How can this song not be on the list?

Books you enjoyed:
1) The Legend of the King by Gerald Morris (WAAAH!)
2) Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex, Airman, & Half-Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer
3) Any and every Diana Wynne Jones book I could get my hands on: HMC & co, Chrestomanci, Dalemark...
4) A Conspiracy of Kings (Sophos!) by Megan Whalen Turner
5) The Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley
Oh, and like, 4 Rick Riordan books, but I read The Titan's Curse at the end of last year and that's one's my favourite so that's why they're not higher on the list. And Peter Pan. Musn't forget Peter.

Books you'll never read again:
6) The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins (I really really liked these. They were amazing. But I have a problem with books being more real to me than real life, and these books were extra real even without my help. They're too depressing for me.)
7) The Frog Princess by ED Baker
8) The Tail of Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler
9) Pendragon: The Merchant of Death by DJ MacHale
10) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling. (I read the first 5 HPs last year. This year I picked up HBP, started it, and then wondered why I was reading it since I hated Harry so much and since there were a great many other books I would rather devote my time to. I do not think I shall finish them.)

Movies you liked:
1) Tangled (ohhh, I love this movie so much... I need it to be on DVD!)
2) How to Train Your Dragon (Ditto!)
3) Inception (asdfjkl;asdfjkl;thismovie.)
5) Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Yes, I liked it. The crazy book purist liked it.)
Why are all of these kids movies!?!? Except Inception, anyway.

Movies you didn't like: that disappointed me:
6) Alice in Wonderland (It was all right, actually. It was pretty. It just didn't feel like Alice in Wonderland to me.)
7) Howl's Moving Castle
8) Green Lantern: First Flight
9) Batman: Under the Red Hood (This could have been so brilliant. Why would you cast Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing? WHY? He is NOT Nightwing. He cannot be Nightwing.)
10) Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (This one was quite good, but the changed ending - without Superman's gorgeously amazing fantastic speech - ruined it for me.)

TV shows you watch loyally:
1) Merlin (I don't really know if this counts because I only caught up with it at the second last episode of the third season.)
2) Um... American Idol
3) ...
4) ......
5) ......... I don't really watch TV aside from that and our old box sets of Gilmore Girls and all the awesome 90's superhero cartoons: Batman TAS, Batman Beyond, Superman, Justice League...

TV shows you wish didn't exist:
6) GLEE. (You have betrayed me, Gwyneth Paltrow!)
7) Family Guy
8) Big Brother, or reality TV in general. Except for AI.
9) CSI Miami. I don't mind the other CSIs but Horatio is just no. NO.
10) Batman: The Brave & the Bold (It has its moments, actually [LOL, the Music Meister!] and the music and animation are all cool so I don't really wish it didn't exist but... the characterization... its... its so bad...)

Websites you visit every day:
1) LJ
2) NarniaWeb
3) Facebook :|
4) Yahoo
5) Hotmail

Websites you can't stand:
6) Facebook ;) (I think it's more how people use it than the actual website... but no matter.)
7) I don't think there are any others. I wouldn't visit them if I couldn't stand them, would I? (Except for FB, that is.)
8) :|
9) :] :]
10) :} :} :}

Things you've done in 2010 you want to do again:
1) NaNo!!
2) Spent more time with my little brothers.
3) Spent (a little) more time with my fave cousin.
4) Spent more time with my best friends. (I see a recurring theme here!)
5) Write, write, write. Read, read, read.

Things you've never done you want to do in 2011:
1) Well... I should probably get my driver's.
2) And a vehicle of some kind. Not a lame college-kid car, though.
3) Order myself a big pile of Disney soundtracks off Amazon.
4) Learn to sew. Or start painting again. Or both. Or something. Something artsy-fartsy, anyway.
5) Not so much something I've never done, but something I want to do: smile more often.

The End! :D


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