iv got like the greatest girlfriend

Apr 11, 2004 22:47

well today was easter and i went to my g'mas house which was boreing as usual, but it was cool cuz i got to see my g'ma who had a stroke and cant really talk or nething so it was nice to see her. then me and liz went to church which i really enjoy doing probly cuz im w/ elizabeth lol, but i had like one of the best nights ever and we hung out in a parkinglot for a few hours after church and just goofed off. u woulda had to a been there to get the full affect lol, well fri i went to 6 falgs w/ liz and her mom and brothers. i almost pee'd in my pants on the acrophobia lol and i only went on it cuz of liz...well we dont have school tomora which rocks!!!!! but i got to cut grass and maby go to baseball practice im not sure yet. well im gunna go..later
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