Dec 12, 2009 00:09
I have a HUGE zit on my chin. It literally makes me angry that I'm 24 and I still get these ginormous infected puss-filled monstrosities from time to time. When I went through puberty, all the magazines I read said that pimples would eventually go away. Wtf happened to that? I am still waiting.
In other news... I was supposed to go to a concert tomorrow night with Brad in Boston, but I am seriously reconsidering at this point. For one, on the ride home today, I discovered that my car does not have an inspection sticker on it. With every other car I've ever bought, the dealership/wholesaler took care of getting the car inspected. I'm not sure why it didn't happen this time. So, I could probably get out of a ticket if I just explain the situation (or "claim" that, why officer, I hadn't even noticed until you pulled me over!). But I'm not sure I want to chance it. Plus, my brakes are making this awful squealing noise, which I'm not getting fixed until Tuesday. My car just isn't in the best condition to making an almost two-hour trip to Boston.
Also, Brad and I had a little bit of a spat tonight that never got resolved. It was yet another case of me reacting, well, not particularly gracefully to something he told me. Meh, I've been tired and cranky all week due to being uber-busy and not getting enough sleep, and figured he'd understand, let me get my bitching out of the way, and then we could move on wiht our lives. Unfortunately, things didn't quite work out that way. He very nonchalantly explained where he was coming from via text message, and it was very obvious to me that he really didn't want to be bothered with bearing with me through this. So, as small of an argument as it was, and as stupid as it was, I don't think I want to be bothered with going to this show. It's not a band I really care for. Plus, he has a friend that does like them, so it's not like he's high and dry if I decide not to go.
I'm still up in the air. I'm leaning towards no, probably more because I'm tired than anything else, and the thought of driving for two hours doesn't sound terribly appealing. But I really am kind of upset about the fact that the argument never got resolved. I dunno. We'll see, I suppose.