Time Will Stand Still For You

Feb 15, 2009 19:29

STUDENTS!! Tomorrow, be prepared for a practical test of your abilities, from regulating speed to braking and sharp turns. And for extra credit, the quickest three people in each class who can properly strip down a broomstick and retie the bristles will get full marks! It's important to keep your equipment in perfect condition in weather like this -- the better it is, the less likely you'll stall in midair. See you all BRIGHT and EARLY, and if you have an questions don't hesitate to ask!!


*feels a parchment rustling in the pocket of his robes -- yet another missive from the Ministry's temperamental Auror program* To think, by this time next week I might be doing something entirely different... it just goes to show how important it is to live every moment to its fullest!!


*tucks his journal under his robes and strides out, grinning at all and sundry, for his daily invigorating run up and down the staircases*

[[Fancy house points? *SHINY GRIN~* Comment here to say how your character will do on the practical! Points will go from five (not so good) to twenty (very awesome). And don't worry, Gai's not going anywhere!]]

quidditch pitch, morning person, auror, flying, staircases, top-secret animagus project

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