*walking from the London Apparition point toward his flat*
What a disaster.... for this to happen to Lee, in the passive state he is in.... There are NO WORDS strong enough to describe the 'family' who would do this to him!!! And Rinali as well! How did I not know that they were related!? And at the precise moment when he needs the support of everyone in his life... he cannot believe in himself, and begins to push them away.....
..will he be all right at his mother's? Will she succeed where I have failed?
[[Filtered to Rinali]]
Yesterday... must have been as challenging for you as it has been for Lee and for myself as well. I will say up front that I do not agree with the family's way of dealing with this matter. Both you and Lee are at the beginning of your lives, and anyway, no couple should first meet at an engagement ceremony... it can only.... Especially not a ceremony that is so pressured by other people.
..You should not have to be worried about this. With you and Lee in the same boat, I can only say that if you wish to talk, or if there is any way I can help, you can always call upon me.
[[Filtered to Tenten]]
Are you all right?
[[Filtered to Neji]]
Are you all r *scribbles it out because of course he isn't*
Do you understand?
..and there is no one for me to ask....
*reaches his building; looks up at the high, dark windows, empty and unknowing*
*doesn't have the heart to sit still*
*clenches his fists -- runs past, pelting down the street, breath steaming and tears scarcely visible as dusk begins to fall*
[[Strikes = an illegible mess of blots and scribbles from which a few letters and syllables can be discerned, but nothing really readable. What he really needs is for someone to understand.]]