[[unhackable, on a security-charmed paper tucked away in his journal]]
Of all people, to take advice from him... but it's true. If my journals always go wrong, they're not secure enough to trust with what's important -- like mysteries and apologies and Lee and Neji's safety. Madame Vance still doesn't know who the pit was intended for. We've all taken dangerous and sensitive assignments. It might have been them. It might have been me. If she finds paper airplanes in there, I shall EXPLODE.
A few hours of patrolling, and then.....
Everyone who still likes zombie movies after that last one egad.... you should know that REAL zombies are VERY DIFFERENT from the ones on the computer screen!!! They're called Inferi, and an Inferius is a very scary thing... a dead person without a mind or a heart, completely controlled by somebody steeped in Dark magic! *sepulchural voice* But if you see an Inferius stalking the noble corridors of Hogwarts today, do not be afraid, for the Proud Green Inferius of Hogwarts answers to nobody except Sgt. Johnson, and is sworn to protect this castle and its occupants from BEYOND. THE. GRAVE. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
[[Filtered to Kakashi]]
Kakashi, the feeling is roundly reciprocated. *SHINY GRIN* Can we t Meet me at Hey, want to do something challengi fun after I get off patrol?
[[Filtered to Ahiru]]
A beautiful sentiment! Our paths may be different, but WE STRIVE AS ONE!!! >D
[[Filtered to Haruko]]
*chuckling* Not likely!!! Don't you know that the Wizarding world's glorious green beasts never disappear? Especially w--
*feels his way out into the hall* ..AAAAUUUUGH, I CAN'T SEE!!!!
[[Hello, candygram prank. XD Not that Gai minds much -- he's experienced enough English Halloweens to consider this part of the fun. Now watch him bump into everyone in the castle FOR GREAT JUSTICE! Strikes, btw, are erased right out of the journal.]]