*jogs from the Ministry entrance to a nearby park -- the same one he'd wandered through the previous night -- finds an unoccupied bench and pulls out his journal*
I REALLY hope you get it then!!!!! I just know you can!!!!!!!!! And you'll be great in the training too!!!! What is the job anyway? Or is that classified to?
You mean there are REALLY places so remote they don't have names!!! WOW!! that's just sooooo cool!!! And you get to see it!!! You think if something cool happens there while you there, and the place ands up REALLY needing a name you'll get to give it one??? Or that if you just start referring to it by something that it'll some how stick and become the place's name????
ME TOO!!! I can hardly wait to start! No, it's a great job that you might get a chance to apply for someday -- I'm going to be an Auror and HELP FIGHT EVIL!!!!
Hahahaha, why not? I could call it That-rocky-place-where-the-boars-ate-all-our-food, but if it was translated into Chinese or Gaelic it would make a great name!!
WOW that really DOES sound like a GREAT job!!!!!! I'm so lucky I get o pick what I want to do!!! And that really does sound GREAT!! Maybe I will become an Auror some day!!! Hey Aurors come to the Haninozuka and Morinozuka dogo for extra training sometimes... of course that usually after they've been in the field for a while. Maybe I'll get to see you here one day after you become a full fledged Auror!!!!!!
That a GREAT NAME!!!!!!! Maybe it really WILL catch on!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you could!!!! You definitely have enough ENTHUSIASM to make an excellent Auror!!! But the first thing you have to do is make good grades, so it's lucky you're starting Hogwarts!
..Really!? EXCELLENT!!! I hope so!
*laughs, hoping the boars really don't eat all their food*
I'll do my best and study hard!!! Of course I doubt I'll be able to become one right out of school. Dad's gonna want me to master the Morinozuka style first. But after that Auror training sounds AWESOME!!!!
YEAH!! It would be great!!! Though seeing as we haven't really met... I wonder if you end up learning the Haninozuka or Morinozuka style. What would you say is more important to your fighting style, strength and stability, or speed and agility??
Strength and stability, beyond a doubt. I practice a very linear style, based on Gokken, the art of the devastating fist. But speed can also be important to such arts, as long as it's accompanied by fluid accuracy!
Wow!!! That means if you did train with us you WOULD be in the Morinozuka style!!!!!!!!! That soooo cool!!! But what's this Gokken, I don't think I studied anything in that yet... BUT IT SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!!!
[filtered from Professor Jareth] OH, You wouldn't happen to know what Professor Jareth would like as a present would you?? I mean since you were in his class. Apparently Christmas came early for him, but he only got fruit cake. But he doesn't like fruit cake! Sooooo I want to surprise him with a good Christmas gift when he goes to the hotel!! [/filter]
INDEED!!!! It's based on conditioning the body for strength and endurance, enabling a person to perform amazing and devastating techniques. It works best after you've started growing a bit, though!
[[Filtered from Jareth]]
*tries to remember what kinds of things he saw in Jareth's class* Uh... something tricky and hard to figure out? Hmm, I'm not sure... he's easy to talk to, but sort of hard to get to know.
You're going on an EPIC WILDERNESS ADVENTURE!!! Cool!!! where are you going????
I KNOW! It's going to be AMAZING AND AWESOME!!!! The actual location is.... classified so remote it doesn't even HAVE a name!!!
[[=>*am not sure myself; still have to work out some of the details with Lee-mun* ^_^]]
You mean there are REALLY places so remote they don't have names!!! WOW!! that's just sooooo cool!!! And you get to see it!!! You think if something cool happens there while you there, and the place ands up REALLY needing a name you'll get to give it one??? Or that if you just start referring to it by something that it'll some how stick and become the place's name????
Hahahaha, why not? I could call it That-rocky-place-where-the-boars-ate-all-our-food, but if it was translated into Chinese or Gaelic it would make a great name!!
Hey Aurors come to the Haninozuka and Morinozuka dogo for extra training sometimes... of course that usually after they've been in the field for a while. Maybe I'll get to see you here one day after you become a full fledged Auror!!!!!!
That a GREAT NAME!!!!!!! Maybe it really WILL catch on!!!!!!!!
..Really!? EXCELLENT!!! I hope so!
*laughs, hoping the boars really don't eat all their food*
YEAH!! It would be great!!! Though seeing as we haven't really met... I wonder if you end up learning the Haninozuka or Morinozuka style. What would you say is more important to your fighting style, strength and stability, or speed and agility??
[[Sorry about the wrong journal before :P]]
Strength and stability, beyond a doubt. I practice a very linear style, based on Gokken, the art of the devastating fist. But speed can also be important to such arts, as long as it's accompanied by fluid accuracy!
[[Don't worry; hazard of the trade. ^^]]
[filtered from Professor Jareth]
OH, You wouldn't happen to know what Professor Jareth would like as a present would you?? I mean since you were in his class.
Apparently Christmas came early for him, but he only got fruit cake. But he doesn't like fruit cake!
Sooooo I want to surprise him with a good Christmas gift when he goes to the hotel!!
[[Filtered from Jareth]]
*tries to remember what kinds of things he saw in Jareth's class* Uh... something tricky and hard to figure out? Hmm, I'm not sure... he's easy to talk to, but sort of hard to get to know.
[Filtered from Jareth]
Hmmm, I'll try to think of something!!!!
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