When I'm Up I Can't Get Down

Jul 11, 2007 23:54

*parchment scribbled hastily between exams and dispatched by red-tailed hawk to Lee's location*

To my precious student,

It is the third day since we each departed Konoha -- you for your assignment and me for my London exams. By now, you must be well into the deserted lands dividing Sand and Leaf, home only to wild beasts and wilder renegades. It is a jealous land with a grandeur all their own, but I know you can stare it in the eye and bring it to heel! Write back and tell me of your INTREPID PROGRESS!!

Yours in fervent zeal,
Maito Gai

*massive yawn* Hwwwwwaaaaa.....wow. *rubs eyes*

Third day in London!!! My small room's being rented out until I can take up permanent residence, but I got a very tiny place over the Blue Brew for the week. Three days of exams have just about knocked me flat not improved my STUNNING NATURAL PANACHE. The physical exam was particularly brutal. I got turned into a badger at one point, and may have cracked a rib or two later on, but I won through at last!!! And after that movie Naruto and I caught the other night where I wept like a CHILD but I'm NOT SORRY AT ALL and then the riot downstairs during the wee hours where someone crashed into my room and I had to persuade him to go away and then having to rescue a Kneazel from a lamppost when it didn't want to come down and then running all the way to the Ministry for today's test which lasted eight hours with only one brief stop for tea, I'm so tired I tingle all over and am UTTERLY WIDE AWAKE.

*writing is large and a bit bleary* So what are all YOU people doing?????

[[Gai has gone past tired and into that strange, foggy realm where noises are louder, actions are imprecise, eyes sag and sting, but you just.can't.fall.asleep. The potion he had to take for his bruised rib isn't helping matters, and he's living directly over a pub (well, the Cauldron can't be the only one in Diagon Alley, can it?). Feel free to chat, but know that you're not catching him at his best. >D]]

xiao-xiao, auror, lee, ooc, london, naruto

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