Late at night, when everyone's fast asleep.....
[[Private, unhackable]]
YESSSSSS!!!! *gleeful capering* That did it -- everything's worked out now! And best of all, it tells me where I was going wrong before. With this new notation, I'll finish the final draft in no time!!!
Oh... I still have that photograph....
*ears twitch in approval*
I'll have to give it back to Lee later. But he owes me a copy! *chuckles* How did that camera manage to catch me when I was still invisible? Modern technomancy is truly amazing.
Egad... *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn* ..must rest now... 's important for a wizard to keep up his strength.......
*writing trails off*
[[This is what Gai will look like when he appears in the Great Hall tomorrow. I might not be able to get online again until Monday, though. ;_; See y'all.]]