GIP like whoa.

Dec 06, 2005 16:16

This morning, Meredith came by at about 10:30 and we went to the mall. Sadly, I discovered en route that a bunch of checks had come through the previous night, and thus I was overdrawn. So I got to the mall, retrieved my winter coat from the Sears breakroom (I'd left it there on Sunday), and told Harvey my last day of work would be the eighteenth. Alex, I'm looking into getting Dad to drive me home after I leave work that day. Mom seems to think it's a good idea, but ultimately Dad's the one driving. I spent the last of my cash getting Liz's Christmas present, and then Meredith and I poked around Bath and Body Works and came home. We'd been planning to go to the Commons as well, but with my total lack of money and her lack of a card that could scan, we decided to come home instead. So now I'm bored. Someone suggest something for me to do. Now.

life, meredith

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