So, there's ten posts worth of crap in this list... Cut so it doesn't make your friends page a billion screens long.
Title: Lords of Winter - Vergosus
Fandom: Magelight(-ish)
Characters: Vergosus
Rating: PG (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Shirtless faerie dude with a glaive.
Notes: The winter series is going poorly. It's difficult to get a bluish cast to the skin without it coming out full-on Andorian. And HSS/UbS is still a pain in my ass. I'm trying to get a grip on which parts affect exactly what colours in the final image. And the fact that very little changes in the preview screen doesn't help much. So, Vergosus looks a little low-contrast, here, and I'm not even in a position to discuss Drost, because I get one half-hour test render, and then the program closes itself. Something about the combination of lights and shaders just hates me, on that one. I'm about to just throw it out and start over, because TWO DAYS of either losing my work or having to recreate the original thing I changed, because I did save before it crashed, and what I saved was garbage... It's not making me happy.
Fuck you, HSS. )
Title: Catlike
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Spook
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Do you own a cat? Nothing you haven't seen.
Notes: I can't make anything look right, today, so here's a cat licking its ass. No, I'm not kidding. Testing out a set of 'natural' cat poses that someone requested in the Freepozitory.
Cats. They're like that. )
Title: Pinup: By the Gate
Fandom: Magelight
Characters: Frost
Rating: R (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked faerie dude.
Notes: I love Frost's face in this. Kind of reminds me of the Mona Lisa. Got one clean test render with that look and just stopped screwing with his face. *laughs*
It's Frost? Of course there's no clothes in this one... )
Title: Pinup: Baron 01
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Baron
Rating: R (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked dude with a bass. Crappy lighting.
Notes: For the record, I hate props that have stupid UV mapping. Makes it impossible to even apply a tiled texture, because all that comes up is one colour used in the texture. Grar. Ok, I've been cranky. I'm done.
I kind of like this one... )
Title: Pinup: Lir 01
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Lir
Rating: PG-13 (L0 N1 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Lir, wearing nothing but an acoustic guitar
Notes: Getting back into older figures, now that I have more of a clue what I'm doing. Yay deformers. That hair doesn't have any morphs for moving forward and backward.
No witty commentary )
Title: Pinup: Severen 01
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Severen
Rating: R (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Don't be blinded by all the light reflected off his skin...
Notes: Yes, I will eventually work my way through the whole band. And, yes, for anyone who remembers when I was working on
the book, a couple years ago, this really is the best image of Severen I've ever done. HSS, decent lights, and hair that doesn't suck really make a difference.
Severen? NAKED? )
Title: Pinup: Arkady 03
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Arkady
Rating: R (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked dude on a drum kit.
Notes: This took forever because I hate the lights. I still hate them, but I'm tired of screwing around with them, so... This one's not so good.
Green sucks. )
Title: Pinup: Betty 01
Fandom: Viridian Legacy
Characters: Betty
Rating: R (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Naked lady and her synthesizer.
Notes: This one was predictably easy. I've got a giant stack of pinup poses, and they're all designed for V4-based figures. I might go back and tweak her eyes a little, at some point. I think she's somewhere between 'looking interestedly into the distance' and 'staring off into space', right now. No HSS, this time, and you can tell. I may (eventually) re-shoot this with HSS or UbS, just to get a more natural skin.
It's a pinup. )
Title: A Walk in the Dark
Fandom: Viridian Legacy: Glass
Characters: Arkady, Severen
Rating: PG (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Two guys drinking beer.
Notes: I'm actually screwing around with the Human Surface Shader, some more. Lipstick is a real pain in the ass, I'm noticing. There's something vaguely wrong with the lights, here, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Fuck the fucking lights. And the lipstick. )
Title: Between the Stars
Fandom: Viridian Legacy/Magelight (Crossover)
Characters: Arkady, Frost, Betty
Rating: R (L0 N3 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Nudes, weird lighting effects.
Notes: Apparently HSS makes stuff glow in the dark.Weird? Yes. But, kind of arty and interesting. That said, woohoo! Crossover!
Glowy, but pretty. )
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