Jesus fucking christ, people, 'waive' != 'wave'. Let me make this easy.
wave (v): essentially, to undulate, like the sea. You can wave your hand. You can wave a flag.
waive (v): to forgo, put aside, or relinquish. You can waive your fifth amendment rights.
FFS. It's the first feckin' week of January, and already I'm yelling.
Title: Drink From My Glass
Fandom: Viridian Legacy: Glass
Characters: Betty, Arkady
Rating: R (L3 N0 S0 V0 D2)
Warnings: Expletives, explicit illness
Notes: So, not like I needed an excuse to inflict more hell on Arkady, but having been sick since before Christmas kind of makes me think I should.
Codeine. It's a good thing. )
Title: Oh, My Aching Drama!
Fandom: N/A
Characters: some fop
Rating: G (L0 N0 S0 V0 D0)
Warnings: Kind of crap lights.
Notes: I don't even know. I was looking at the Versailles Tail, and I thought, 'Oh, hey, I bet I've got something I could do with that...' *coughs* So, yeah, here's this. Done in a couple hours of mostly not paying attention while I was reading
Miss Maggie Mayhem, who is really pretty effing entertaining.
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