Congratulations to all the darling girls who passed their exams and those who didn't, try your best next time! With this comes the annual Spring Allergy Check!
→ Sneezing.
→ Watery, itchy eyes.
→ Dark circles under your eyes.
→ Itchy nose.
Students with all those symptoms, present yourself into the infirmary to get the rid of your miserable plight. Claritin or Clarinex would solve your emergency in a wink before the big ball tomorrow. Go on, growing Cinderellas, come here!
{Private: Note Delivered to Kurai's room during the exams}
Little lamb,
Here I am;
Come and lick
My white neck;
Let me pull
Your soft wool;
Let me kiss
Your soft face;
Merrily, merrily we welcome in the year.
Dearest Alice;
Spring! What a season to embellish your natural beauty! One's fair blue rose, one's silver-haired Princess! This modest one couldn't convey the joy of the season of life and joy better than darling Blake's verses. For you, an invitation to end the mystery of this anonymous correspondence, a chance to meet your humblest admirer who has languished at the shade of your charms every day, unseen as the dust and the grass you step on.
O Alice, would you grace this fool as escort for tomorrow's dance? Wear the dress and it would be a yes, wear naught one has offered and this one would one day recover from heartbreak.
For you, Blue Rose~ ♥
(ooc; IT'S A TRAP!!
HERE'S THE BACKSTORY. Belial-Mad Hatter are two separate identities with two different speech patterns as Hatter uses in canon sometimes when sie's masking hir identity. By day, Belial is a respectable in charge of the Bikini Bottom Jr High Infirmary who is really fond of little girls, by night sie is Mad Hatter fighting crime by moonlight defacto leader of the visual kei underground group "Seven Satans" and still heartbroken their leader vocalist -guess whoooo- left their band. Sie has taken an obsessive interest in Kurai who sie sends anonymous presents and notes referring to her as "Alice").