Dec 19, 2008 01:55
Look at this! What a twist in this ongoing plot! The cries of a despaired City that for shame were repulsed at the idea of sampling of the neighbor's flesh in mindless wanton abandon has now turned around and decided skin makes of a delicious dessert by their consent.
...if only we added sugar to season us a few hours ago!
Hmm~, hmm~, this jester has spotted when the tragedy turned into a comedy. Was it the dinosaur? Ohhhhhhhh. It must have been!
Tutti-Frutti~ ♥
Admit that your inquiring minds were wondering how was this humble jester flavored!
{Grell & Road}
Onto the grand finale?~♫ There are so few days left until Christmas and so much to do!
candy cane pain,
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