stole this from Shawna's journal. :)

Mar 24, 2005 13:31

(I started this on Sunday…and I’m just now finishing it. lol!)

|x|The last|x|
person you touched: probly my dad when i slapped him for thinking he beat me at ping pong. XD
words you spoke: "thanks"
person you talked to: me mommy! :)
person you IMed: some random person who's name starts with a 'sa' and i have no clue who they are!! I feel so stupid. :-p
person you emailed: Kelly
song you listened to: "Acoustic #3" by the Goo Goo Dolls
song you sang: same as ^...I sing to every song i listen to! :)
words you heard (not yours): ppl talking on the Law and Order show my mom's watching.
time you cried: yesterday. not gonna say y, or else I'll cry again.
person you cried to: myself...and my parents saw it and tried to make me feel better: didn't work
place you went: Church...i think?
person you hugged: my little baby cousin Jake

|x|have/will you ever|x|
had an outer body experiance: what IS an outer body experiance?
been abducted by aleins: nope! dang!
attempt(ed) suicide: oh god no!
gone to a phyciatrist: haha "but how do you feel..." jk! never been!
gone to a school consouler: just for a frosh interview.
gotten drunk: nope, beer is gross. XP
gotten high: ewww....heck no!
done either of the last two in school: don't think so.

|x|are you|x|
pretty: I wouldn't say so.
ugly: sure. but not in so many words.
a loser: of course i am. (not!)
i want to be?: in Florida which is where I will be next week!!!!
happy: nah...this weather today is making me depressed.
sad: maybe
beautiful on the inside: YES! inside of me is a diva waiting to come out! hehe
a bitch: I can be. When I need to be. haha jk!
emo: sometimes.
punk: oh of course! hahahahaha jk i used to kinda be one
goth: NUH UH. thats where i draw the line. waaaaay too much darkness.
nice: yup! ppl always say I'm sweet! :)

|x|3 things you want to do before you die|x|
three _things: kiss a really hot guy (XD), travel to some exotic place, like Australia, a movie/TV star!

|x|2 things you want to do next month|x|
|x| uh....
|x| i have no clue.

|x|1 thing you want to do this week|x|
|x| go to Florida and meet cute guys :p

[ current clothes ] PJS!!!! hehehe
[ current mood ]kinda emo and depressed...wierd how the weather does this to me!
[ current music ] lemme pick a song...50 Cent-Candy Shop! hehe I <3 the beat in that song.
[ current taste ] the little oranges i had a few mins ago.
[ current make-up ] NOTHING!!! Natural beauty right here!!!! hahahaha yeah right.
[ current hair ] flat. and messy. cuz i layed on it. :p
[annoyance ] that I have to go to school this WEEK. I WANT TO GO TO FLORIDA NOW!!!!
[ current smell ] um...air?
[ current thing i ought to be doing ] sleeping. (it's 10:01 PM)
[ current desktop picture ] Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) from Lost :) Love him!!! :)
[ current favorite group] like music? oh there's too many to choose.
[ current book you're reading] "Mates, Dates, and Inflatible Bras." (a really good book, hahaha)
[ current cd in cd player] lots. I have a 60 cd changer ^_^
[ current movie in vcr ] um...probably home movies. lol
[ current color of toenails ] dark and light pink.
[ current refreshment ] nuttin. but i actually do want something to drink, now that u mention it.
[ current worry ] finals in June!!! y am I worried now, I have nooo clue.

[ food ] pizza. ^_^ an American kid right here! lol
[ drink ] Diet Pepsi
[ color ] pink or blue! :)
[ album ] How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb!!! YEA!
[ shoes ] either my fake birkenstocks, k-swiss's (from Tennis season) or my converse. :)
[ animal ] Golden Retriever doggys!!!! :)
[ tv show ] Gilmore Girls
[ movie ] Robots!!! haha that was a great movie!!!
[ dance ] Cha Cha Slide
[ song ] waaaaaaaaaay too many to pick just one.
[ vegetable ] um...corn? I hate veggies X_X maybe thats why I'm so short.
[ fruit ] grapes...or banannas...or just about any fruit. :)
[ cartoon ] dunno. I like cartoons in general. like all of em.

are you.
[ understanding ] for the most part.
[ open-minded ] yup. kinda. I guess. maybe. who knows.
[ arrogant ] can be.
[ insecure ] yup.
[ interesting ] hopefully. I try not to be boring.
[ random ] hahahaha yes!
[ hungry] actually, since I ate like 2 hours ago, nope! (you: OMGAWD! *falls off chair* Allyssa isn’t hungry?!?!? Me: Shut up.)
[ friendly ] depends on my mood.
[ smart ] eh, depends on what kinda smarts we’re talking bout here….
[ moody} yuppers.
[ childish ] yup! I fit in with all those kiddies lol
[ independent ] yup. I can do everything on my own.
[ hard working ] when I have to be, sure
[ organized ] u gotta be kidding me.
[ healthy ] hahaha that’s a joke.
[ emotionally stable ] not really. when I want to cry, I cry! even sometimes when I really DON’T want to… oh well.
[ shy ] very much so…
[ difficult ] hahaha no comment on that one
[ attractive ] maybe. who knos what ppl think of me.
[ bored easily ] YES I AM!!!
[ messy ] not recently, my room’s been clean for like 2 weeks so far!!! (you: GASP! *fall off chair* Me: gosh, not this again. XD)
[ thirsty ] actually, now that u said that, yes!
[ responsible ] yup. very much so.
[ obsessed ] lol no comment on this either.
[ angry ] at the moment, nope! I’m happy!!!
[ sad ] nope!
[ happy ] YES!!!
[ hyper ] well lets just say that I just did a dance from the play…YES I AM HYPER.
[ trusting ] very.
[ talkative ] lately I haven’t been. I guess I listen more than talk.
[ legal ] X_X nope not yet.

Who do you want to..
[ kill ] a certain someone that knows who she is.
[ slap ] really, nobody! lol
[ get really wasted with ] um…no one. that’s not my thing.
[ get high with ]uh…yeah. read above.
[ kiss] hahaha that’s a little secret for me to know and you to find out.
[ look like ] some pretty, drop-dead gorgeous, celebrity. don’t we all?
[ talk to offline ] um…not sure. actually, I know but I’m not telling. lol
[ talk to online ] actually, anyone.
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