Aug 04, 2010 22:47
So. This judging thing. It has been spoken of before, no? Most familiar, it seems. There is only one thing to do, hm?
I suggest myself as a judge.
I have not been here too too long, only a few months. But in this time, I have gained a new appreciation for order. We would do well to remember that there have been attacks, no? Well. This, this is what the project is made to address.
All of this, it fits. The system that is coming into this place. There is little that I know. But this, I do. I am here to take part in it. And myself, I would take on this duty with humility. No. I would not take it with humility. I do not think I know the meaning of the word. Reverence. That is better, hm? Yes, yes it is. I will give it due reverence.