Mar 19, 2005 20:48
He left yesterday morning. To re-cap things:
-He came home on leave just after Valentine's Day for a month of leave. This was also the first time we'd met face-to-face. (We met online at the beginning of last September while he was in So. Korea)
-He's now in Ft Campbell until they decide to ship him off to Iraq along with everyone else.
-I'm stuck here (in Maine) to deal with working 40 hrs/week plus going to school full time also. Not to mention trying to find my own apartment, and paying all my bills... I'm 19, and this wasn't exactly what I planned but hey, that's life.
I know many of you have done this before but this was my first. The past nearly 36 hours have been nothing short of just "uuckieness" and feeling depressed. He was in the airport late yesterday afternoon and we talked online for a bit and then late last night he called to tell me he was getting settled in. We'll know in a few weeks when he's going to Iraq.
Pray for me.
x-posted in several military/love communities