Jan 29, 2005 18:13
i dont no wat to say. emm. yesterday was gay and fun. te gay part was that fucken those hoes, jimena and riley fucken kept calling me to talk to andrei when he wasnt even there. fucken pissed me off. anyway, the fun part was that it was my friend's dildo's part. I mean dylan's party. we played some football and hung out. except fricken andrei left the party just to go to the movies wit those hoes riley and jimena. anyway, i think he still likes abbey a little. he like talks to her, jimena,kristen, and riley a lot now. i think he like jimena, abbey, and riley. and he is fricken obsessed with those hoes. anyway, leave comments and tell who u r. and anyway, i think andrei and those hoes did something yesterday at the movies. and, he said he didnt get dylan a present because he didnt have money on him. i beleved that but than later, y would he go to the movies if he didnt have money. also, the people he usually goes to the movies with is me,osman,jon,greg,or dylan. and all these people were at dylan's party. leave messages.