Ballistics 101

Jun 27, 2009 03:01

Hello, student body of Smash Academy. My name is Gage. I will be your Ballistics teacher for those who are interested.

Ballistics is the study of the physics behind projectiles. It includes, but is not limited to, the inner workings of the firing mechanism, the behavior of the projectile as it travels, and the effect of said projectile on the target. You will instructed as to the underlying mechanics and proper use of firearms and other ranged weaponry. Forensic ballistics will not be covered. I will gladly field any questions regarding the class.

I look forward to teaching such a bizarre unique varied and dangerous talented student body.

That is all.

((I'm not sure what the proper tagging system is! I hope you can tag after posting... (I'm no good at this yet...)))
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