just like the ocean under the moon

Mar 01, 2010 18:17

MY PAID ACCOUNT RAN OUT AND LEFT ME WITHOUT ANY BORIS ICONS. B| But lmfao, I got both my Izaya ones. So I am only a little miffed.

I bring two meme's!

♥ Ask me a question about RPing. It can be absolutely anything (OOC thoughts, pet peeves, IC plans, characters I play) and I will tell you the honest-to-god answer. Don’t hold back. Whatever you ask, I will try my best to answer.


♥ List your characters. Then pick a trait from each one that the two of you share and explain it. If you don't share a trait with any of them, put N/A.

@ somarium
carnivalcat - People say that I am a lot like Boris, and when they talk to me and must think of a character, it tends to be Boris. At least, that's what I get from the people who play at Som. I'm... starting to figure out why that is. > >;; From what I've derived from conversations with other people, it looks like I have his habit of talking about things without knowing what I'm talking about. As in, I will go on a tangent about a completely foreign topic to me with observations and opinions, but... almost zero facts. Lately I've had the habit of jumping from topic to topic too. Past that, I'm pretty self-centered, and have almost no consideration for others who I don't consider my friends. I'm also notoriously fickle and occasionally quite volatile in my actions, ahaha. |D I've also figured out recently that I'm pretty good with riddles and even if I don't get the riddle answer 'right', I have the habit of making my answer seem just as good. 8D /did that the other day, actually. And I suppose you could say that my priorities suck, because I'm of the belief that fun comes first. If I don't enjoy myself, it takes me forever and a day to get anything done.

onkittypatrol - I think that it's sort of a sense that I love unconditionally and even if someone's got something against me, I would try to see the best in them? A fair amount of the time, anyway. If they get angry at my friends, then it's another matter entirely. There's also a strange fascination with the occult, even if I don't keep an Iron Maiden in my basement. But the curiosity is so very there. Not to mention I'm actually pretty emotional and prone to crying. I know, I know. I'm 14 and should be able to suck it up, but I can't help it sometimes, okay.

circusmisfit - I AM NOT A TSUNDERE. Let me say that now. But what I have most in common with Gareki is that level of pride and I hate my skills being put into question. If you question my ability to get things done, I will work to prove you wrong. B| I despise being underestimated and... lmfao. I have no idea if this counts but explosions are cool. There's also a little bit of likeness in the fact that I don't know much of the world past my hometown. If you'd ever talked to me about indoor schools, you know what I'm talking about. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you people have ceilings and indoor lunchrooms. It's so mysterious to me. @_____@

defrauder - ... LOL. I have no idea. There might be a sense of arrogance in how I carry myself at times? And there are plenty of times that I refuse to show that I care about my friends, because that'd be awkward and I've got a reputation to uphold. ... wow, that's more than I expected.

unstinted - Well, for my age, I like to think I'm at least moderately intelligent? Though I'm nowhere near as careful as Rhyme is, I really do prefer to just jump into things blindly because that's the funner way to do things, f-fff. And idk if this counts but I tend to always end up being the little sister figure for people?

whatprofit - ... according to Cal, I have the habit of acting like everyone's mother. > >;; Telling them to go to bed and whatnot. But come on, guys, if I didn't remind you of the stuff you had to do the next day and how some of you have issues sleeping once it gets too late, you know that you wouldn't be able to function properly and that concerns me! Oh. And I'm Lae's lackey, which totally counts as a similarity because she plays Tamaki. I always get stuck with paperwork to do, whether it be for RP or school, since apparently people let me handle things, because we all know that's the smart thing to do. ;D ... if you couldn't tell from that, I'm a bit of a controlling person when it comes to things where I know I'm right and should lead. I don't mind at all though, since performing under pressure is fun. \o/

@ vatheon
sweeperesque - UM. I don't know? I guess my heart always goes out to people, even if I have none of Saya's social skills to be able to reach out to them physically. And freedom and choice mean a lot to me, and if you ever take that away from someone I immediately feel hurt. I'm a bit of an idealist and try to think the best of everyone, though I lack the realism that Saya has to accompany it to keep her at ground level. Still, I'm pretty flighty and though I try to be helpful, it doesn't always work out?

stompsonphones - asd;fljf LOL. D-DO I WANT ANY SIMILARITIES WITH THIS GUY--? Though I have to admit that people watching is the best thing ever, and the things that drive people to do certain actions is fascinating. And while I'm not a full-blown atheist, I will not deny that I am a bit of a skeptic. > >;; I find the hypocrisy and different personalities amongst humanity to be terribly interesting, though I'm not about to manipulate people just to see what happens. However I'm prone to snide comments and sarcasm even to strangers. It's not a good habit, but what can I do? And while I'm far from Izaya's level of information, I love being kept up to date and digging for info. Looking up information is one of my hobbies and even the local gossip attracts me, just because I like hearing what people are up to~ And despite what you might think, I actually don't stomp on cell phones. I step on them now and again when the thing falls out of my pocket, but I won't purposely break it. Oh and I love sushi. 8) I could probably pull up more references to Lae here since she's my Shizuo, but I'll hold back for now.

... and I may have to drop from luceti. orz I don't think I can handle that fast of a game right now, not when I've resolved to work harder on my studies this semester.
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