talkin to the funniest kid ever!

Jun 19, 2005 00:42

thisis the funniest kid ever! Josh is eli's little brother and omg he's hillarious!

DaddysRodeoGal: i want to carry r babies
DaddysRodeoGal: *ur
SephysBane: the hell are u?
DaddysRodeoGal: lol it's crystal
SephysBane: o
SephysBane: groves?
DaddysRodeoGal: yessir
DaddysRodeoGal: how are you?
SephysBane: ah
SephysBane: well enough..
SephysBane: so
SephysBane: im in the mood for making babies
DaddysRodeoGal: about me carryin dem babies
DaddysRodeoGal: lol
SephysBane: ^.^
DaddysRodeoGal: ewww
DaddysRodeoGal: ur like 5
SephysBane: aww, 13's only like...5 years away from legal age
DaddysRodeoGal: ur not 13 ur 5
SephysBane: wheres a fucking toaster, im gonna hit it and hope and does what it did on the flinstones and make me a time machine
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: see ya there bizzle ^^
SephysBane: damn
SephysBane: i gotta lay off the drugs sometime
SephysBane: neways
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
DaddysRodeoGal: ur fucking hillarious
SephysBane: indead
DaddysRodeoGal: isn't it spelledd indeed
DaddysRodeoGal: spelled
SephysBane: yeah, well their's no fucking spell check so its indead for now
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
DaddysRodeoGal: works for me
DaddysRodeoGal: im hungry
SephysBane: indead
DaddysRodeoGal: mike is spoed to be bringin me food back from taco bell but the bastard is takin forever
SephysBane: eh, to much estrigen for me, imma go chill with J or some shizzle, go eat jelly-beans or...stickers, or u could hang out with mike
SephysBane: works too
SephysBane: considering hes a chick now...
DaddysRodeoGal: ???
DaddysRodeoGal: he's a chick
SephysBane: god damn, so many chicks, or guys becoming chicks, its an over fucking populated world
DaddysRodeoGal: and i should eat stickers?
SephysBane: yeah, and those scratch and sniff stickers are delicious
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
DaddysRodeoGal: but don't they get stuck to ur teeth?
SephysBane: yeah, thats why u run it under cool water befor consuption
SephysBane: dumbass
DaddysRodeoGal: ooooo
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: where the fuck have u been? every one cool eats stickers
DaddysRodeoGal: im not cool
DaddysRodeoGal: everyone knows that
DaddysRodeoGal: whether u eat stickers or not u know im not a sticker eater b/c im lame
SephysBane: indead
DaddysRodeoGal: c'mon josh wtf... im a fucking chick wut do u expect?
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: iv saide it once and ill say it again
SephysBane: indead
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
DaddysRodeoGal: i love you
SephysBane: eh, everyone does
SephysBane: but unlike mike
SephysBane: i have testasturone
SephysBane: once again
SephysBane: so fucking spell check
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: no*
SephysBane: see, mike has 0 amounts of penis fat
SephysBane: 0%
SephysBane: nothing
DaddysRodeoGal: lol
DaddysRodeoGal: the penis is a muscle
DaddysRodeoGal: not fat
SephysBane: ...damn crystal, u know a penis is a muscle but u dont know how to eat a god damn sticker
SephysBane: get out of the house
DaddysRodeoGal: wut?
DaddysRodeoGal: wuthousE?
DaddysRodeoGal: *wut house?
SephysBane: my house...
DaddysRodeoGal: imnot in ur house
SephysBane: ok
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
DaddysRodeoGal: i can't talk to u ne more
DaddysRodeoGal: im laughing so hard i can't breath
SephysBane: cocain is a hellova drug crsytal...
SephysBane: and how the fuck do u fix this god damn font
SephysBane: their we go
SephysBane: ok
SephysBane: less anger
DaddysRodeoGal: i love dave chapelle
SephysBane: u know why
SephysBane: hes a MAN
SephysBane: not a god damn chick
DaddysRodeoGal: a black man
SephysBane: thats his only mistake
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: the hell was mandela thinkin when he protested againts black oppresion
SephysBane: that was some funny shit
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: damn, a gay black man
DaddysRodeoGal: which was funny? what u said or mandella or oppression?
SephysBane: kkk would eb all over that
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: no, black people complainin and shizzle, fucking hilarious, especially with the dogs and firte hoses and brick through windows
SephysBane: got a kick outta that
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
DaddysRodeoGal: i can't respnd to what ur saying... my sister dates a black dude
SephysBane: eh
SephysBane: god will have no mercy 
DaddysRodeoGal: lmao
SephysBane: o well, she can spend time with him in hell
DaddysRodeoGal: omg
DaddysRodeoGal: that's so terrible
DaddysRodeoGal: but yet so funny
SephysBane: i try
SephysBane: but for real, the lack of guyness in this conversation is making me squent
SephysBane: so peace
DaddysRodeoGal: peace
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