Z - Zodiac sign:
Y - Yummy food:
X - X-rays you've had:
U - Unknown fact about me:
T - Time you wake up:
S - Song you last heard:
R - Reason to smile:
Q - Quote you like:
P - Phobia[s]:
O - Oldest sibling:
N - Number of siblings:
M - Mum's name:
L - Longest car ride ever:
J - Job title:
I - Instruments:
H - Hometown:
G - Gummy Bears
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Z - Zodiac sign: Libra
Y - Yummy food: Choco-Taco
X - X-rays you've had: feet
U - Unknown fact about me:
T - Time you wake up: between 6and 11
S - Song you last heard: Wake Up
R - Reason to smile: Is there one?
Q - Quote you like: The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an oncoming train
P - Phobia[s]: Clowns Clostrophopia of large groups of people being stared at being poked
O - Oldest sibling: YOU-dont u feel special!
N - Number of siblings: 2
M - Mum's name: Moose
L - Longest car ride ever: 24 hours
J - Job title: PsYcho Bitch
I - Instruments: QuinceY Baritrone
H - Hometown: Baldwin NY
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Worms definatlY
F - Favourite song at the moment: cant pick onlY one
E - Easiest person to talk to: You and CherYl
D - Dad's name: rick
C - Career in future: not sure Yet
B - Band listening to right now: three daYs grace
A - And to top it all off..: dont put Your emu in the lighthouse on sundY afternoons because You never know when theY might stir-frY up some corn beef and radishes
catch Ya on the frip side wigger
peace love and crabs
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