Oct 17, 2007 15:24
yes kids its been 10 months. almost a year. wowza. so here i am. not planning on resurrecting this thing or anything. just thought to post.
Here's some thigns happening with me. do you want the good first or the bad? howabout bad- so i can end on good?
-school is really really hard
-i wish i didn't hafto work, even if it is minimally
-i have recently lost people from my life that i cared very much about.
-my grandpa is sick
-ive gained a bit of weight since this time last year
-i have had some recent disappointments from friends
-i find myself tired lately
-my sister is still very far away
-im hella behind on reading
-ive been getting mediocre grades
-i feel pretty lonely a lot
-ive been struggling daily with the same problem for almost 3 months now
-i'm getting really tired of traveling to ann arbor every week for clinical
-i dont want to do another care plan
And on to some good things:
+i'm going to be an aunt in december
+the weather is nice
+i like my living situation
+im looking forward to graduating
+i have a job lined up for next year
+i may be auditioning for the vagina monologues
+im standing up for myself in a really difficult time
+i have the unwaivering support of some really fanastic people
+i love the profession i've chosen
+im seeing the detroit show of so you think you can dance november 3rd
+i've recently met some really cool people
+ive strengthened some really great friendships
+im living my life fully and getting back to good
...trying to anyway.
okay- work to do. maybe i'll post more often. then again.. maybe now. we'll see.