Nov 24, 2006 16:36
this thanksgiving is very different from those in the past. i usually do a mushy im thankful for you post. i just dont anticipate this one being quite so positive as years past.
im thankful for my family and friends. i just feel pretty far away from my emotions and relationships lately.
im thankful for thanksgiving... if it werent for that day this year... id be writing papers literally all week long. but i thankfully got to give myself a much needed day off. i also gave myself wednesday night off- where i got into bed at 6 pm until 10 pm. talked with shaina on the phone for an hour and a half.. then to my roommate for a longtime. watched half an episode of law and order: svu. went back to bed at 1 or 2... woke up at 9 30. so no work was done. but im okay with it. saying i have a lot of stuff due this week is really an understatement. my LIFEis due this week. ha. so tonight until wednesday night i wont really have a break. but then after this comign thursday -i think the semester will feel concluded for me. finally. nto even finals will be as stressful as this montlong bout of absolute nursing school domination of my life and emotions. so yay.
i am thankful for shaina. i have felt absolutely awful for the past two months. ive been endlessly negative, and just generally unpleasant to be around. i feel like my body, mind and soul are exhausted daily from the commitement i have to school... and even though i have nothing to give her right now except the hope thqat when its all over, i'll be back to the person i was before the end of august- she has remained supportive and understanding. i love her so very much and i wish i could show it better than ive been able to (which- incidentally makes me feel even worse) btu shes been constistently there for me and hasnt given up on me :-) and for that i am truely thankful.
its weird having the day after thanksgiving not involve bill french. ususally the day after thanksgiving is a day to see IC friends and meet up for a night in ann arbor for food then partying. i wont be able to attend this year.. im not really even sure there is such an event this year. humph.
next year i hope to be thaqnksful for my sister being in michigan. we'll see.
only a couple more weeeks. ahh!\
happy belated thanksgiving everyone!