(no subject)

Mar 30, 2006 09:49

i have 11 minutres before i hafto head to class. thought i'd post here.

this weekend shaina and i are traveling down to try to visit missy and lisa. i havent seen those girlies in over a month now and i am sad... but my sadness shall be resolved th moment i walk into their house!!

i dont need to take the LCC phlebotemy class afterall.. i do believe sparrow can do a 6 week training with me over the summer... not sure if its paid.. but that'd be sweet if it was!! i do believe also that i'll still be able to telemarket over the summer for my summer rate of +$1.00/hr more than i'm making now.. plus whatever raises i get this semester. w00t.

if all goes according to plan i'll be able to visit home often and possibly do a bit of travelling in there too. we'll see. i wanna do a hike/backpack excursion at some point.

tomorrow i'm ACTUALLY going to study and be productive.. nto like otherfridays. i'll take a break to do a little shopping .. but nothing extensive. cross my heart :-) then more productivity saturday until shaina and i head downstate. and i'm sure we'll get back fairly early on sunday.

i found a guy on facebook to teach me how to breakdance. we'll see if he comes through.. but he seemed excited to want to help. so oerhaps by msu drag show APRIL 21st!!! i'll be doing a few moves!!! :-)

ps... i'm already really exicted for that show. so you should all come. its a friday night.. so its an easy one to come to/

i can get extra credit in my womens studies class for writing a bit about being in jiss my gender 2. ha. score. so yeah.

alright.. .well i need to get going. class at BFE in 20 minutes. gotta buy a coffee before then... and by coffee i mean hot chocolate becasue i hate coffee.. but sipping on the yummy chocolate goodness i do think has a similar effect on me as if i did drink coffee... i dunno.. all i know is by the time it gets to be the right temperature.. thats generally when i start falling asleep.. so it helps a lot!!

spread the good like butter on bread today.
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