Sep 03, 2009 11:29
So, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. This makes me kind of sad for obvious reasons. I'm going to try contacting my CPS supervisor to see when I can meet with her, what her expectations are for me, and possibly come up with some "goals" to work on. I am also going to start looking after Kass and Heather's puppies tonight while they're out of town! (I wish you two a fun and productive trip!)
The DFW plot team gave me the green light to run my first mod for the September event, and boy oh boy am I excited! It is really hard for me not to talk about it though. I hope it goes well. Depending on how things work out I might start making a habit of creating mods and storylines. I've already started collecting/creating the props and rewards, which has been fun.
My Plans for the Rest of the Week:
Thursday: go to CPS office and take care of the puppies
Friday: CPS, puppies, and DnD
Saturday: CPS, puppies and MOVIE NIGHT AT CHRIS' HOUSE
Sunday: tag along while Jason hangs out with David's household; possibly help Rachel with wedding invitations. And more puppies!
I have decided that there are a lot of unnecessary aspects to a wedding that are just awkward, time-consuming, and/or extremely expensive. Here is my list.
1. The "after wedding dance". A lot of people openly dread this tradition, and inevitably nobody likes the DJ or playlist. That whole debacle can just...not exist.
2. Wedding invitations. I think I might rely on an e-mail + word-of-mouth scenario. If you want to come, great! If you'd rather raid that weekend, that is also fine.
3. I would probably get married in a church. I would rather do it outside, but weather is unpredictable and you have to get tents and chairs and whatnot set up, and who really needs that kind of hassle? So not only is a church a lovely enclosed space with pre-existing seating, but it also has such amenities as free parking, handicap access, and bathrooms. I also suspect that it would be pretty darn easy to get a churchman to perform the ceremony in such a zone. Plus, if you're not really sure how many people are going to show up, you can comfortably seat a couple hundred, or move everyone up front if only your immediate family decide to come.
4. Flowers. Freakin' expensive. I think the bouquet and maybe two or three arrangements scattered about should be fine.
5. Reception. Not going to happen. Anything that requires "seating arrangements" is no bueno in my book.
6. Food. Yes, there will be cake and probably champagne and a cask of mead, and possibly appetizers. But if you are coming to my wedding expecting a rack of ribs or some pork chops, you are sadly mistaken. Not only is organizing a banquet expensive, but then you have to cover cleaning bills because someone decided to grind some mashed potatoes into the carpet, and having a bunch of drunken people stumble about telling lewd stories sounds like something in need of being avoided. Plus people will always say "the chocolate fountain was OKAY but kind of overhyped", or "the salmon did not live up to my expectations", etc. Go get your own damn food, you vultures.
7. Bridesmaids/Groomsmen. I have only heard grief about this part. I am going to have enough on my plate coordinating my own dress and shoe combo, I don't need to worry about pleasing a half dozen other women, or placating the chicks that are pissed that I didn't choose them. Plus, why force a bunch of people stand around in high heels and look pretty and show up on time to a wedding when they can do this on their own at any time? Too many moving parts that are hard to plan for. I'm not saying that I don't have a bunch of people I appreciate in my life- but it almost seems like a punishment more than an honor.
And you know what? In saving a bunch of money from the wedding, I can afford a significantly more awesome honeymoon. It is all a matter of priorities.