Well, for starters, let me say that I hate my Public Relations class. The only plus side about it is that I have the class with Princess ChaCha, but I'm not looking forward the upcoming project where I have to interview someone in the Public Relations (although, it can't be my uncle!) and then present the essay I wrote about the interview to a class of 30 or 40 from a podium. I want to say that I passed my Public Speaking class with a C, because I AM FUCKING TERRIBLE AT GETTING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW!
Other than that, my classes are going great this semester. I'm acing my Bio Lab (which I once failed, so an A to replace an F would be freaking sweet!). I'm doing pretty good in my Intro to Computer Science class and my Sociology (I think..haven't been graded on anything yet).
My October is going to be a busy month. Here's what going on: On October 1st, I hope to go to Octoberfest with Candice, but that's not final yet. On October 8th-9th, I will be a special guest at the October Comic & Horror Festival in Nashville (
http://www.comiccitytn.com/hfest05.html), signing autographs for the two Marvel Handbooks that I worked on. On October 14th, I have two tickets to see the Beatles cover band, 1964: The Tribute, that Chris's parents were nice enough to let me have free of charge. On October 16th, I'm going to see Green Day live in Nashville. Also, though not in October, I will be a special guest at a local comic con here in Clarksville on Dec. 11th (at least, as long as the con is still happening).
Anyways, that's enough for an update. Love to hear back from some of you out there who read my LJ...