Jul 04, 2005 10:31
Well it seems that i will be joining the fucking coast guard. fuckity fuck. but eh, whatever. it'll be over soon enough and i can get back to doing things that arent shitty. at least it will take care of my future and crap. heather is moving in a week or so, but she'll be back because its a stupid as hell thing to do. she just went to a party with me and katie the other night, and katie got very wasted. some POS was trying to get on her, and me and kenneth were getting pissed about it, buyt for some reason heather suggested we let her handle it LOL. i been studying for this ASVAB thing alot lately. its not too hard, and the better score i get, the better chances of me getting a bomb job and scamming them for a bigger bonus, maybe even guarentee myself a spot in So Cal.
well im off to continue my boredom. peace out rockstars.