Friday : summer school. almost done. 2 more days. well i got home and i talked to andy. he and kevin and casey and i went to pizza hut. it was good. this lady got real pissed off at kevin and andy cause they kept saying "shit" alot and casey kept getting all nervous and SHit. it was awesome. then kevin was all ready to get stoned but we ended up not doing it. kevin just wanted to go up to donald, but theres so many cops there all the time,so i was scared. instead i called my dear kimmy zaroba and went with her to see charlies angels 2:full...something... i forgot, fully loaded? im not sure. anyway. we got there and it ended up that it was casey and kevin and i, and like, 5 women. it rocked hard. it was sarah, kimmy, lauren,shae and kristin. but thats not even the best part. as we stand in line we run into none other than the lovely ashley prevost.(whom i adore). so apparently she has to save seats for 12 other people cause her older sister sent ashley to do all the dirty work. but we tried and we couldnt. so i got to sit next to ashley the whole movie and it was nice. shes so cool!!! we kept saying the same thing at the same time or thinking it at least and laughing and all. shes so nice. i asked jim he doesnt know her screen name though. im not sure who else would. she is goin off to college though at the end of the summer. so i probably wont see her really anymore.. but it was weird. at the end of school i was like " i need to keep in touch with ashley some how over the summer. i hope i see her." cause i barely ever did. but my wish came true. well hopefully i will see more of her. well anyway. i actually did like the movie thanks to ashley. it was just so ridiculous and so much uneccesary sexual shit that it was hilarious. soooo over the top. we were laughing at all of it. theres no way they made that movie and tried to make the action scenes was awesome.
Today: well today i was woken at 9 o clock by my mom telling me i had to be ready right away cause george was coming to pick me up to go to the studio. i had no idea we were goin so early! so i was all ready in like, 10 minutes and he comes to pick me up half an hour later cause he couldnt find danny. so i had a kinda shitty morning, but the day progressed and got better. we first went to the da Vinci daycare/school where george went to preschool and kindergarten. i ate a bunch of donuts there. so then we went over to the bass propulsion studios and i finally got to meet todd and toby pipes. they are so awesome. i hope im as cool as them when im 30. they are hilarious. they are the guys that recorded that one song " breakfast at tiffany's"... deep blue something... is the name. so we did the whole recording bit all day. all the drum levels and shiiiet. so then we got back and george and danny and i took about a 2 and a half hour nap. i woke up at 8 something just minute before the telephone rang. casey said they would come pick me up in a bit. so i waited around. the stang pulls up and all of them come piling out. then claire and i went to pick up MELISSA!!!!(whom i also adore) she is the cutest little person. so we all ended up swimming at my house. i think melissa needs to fuckin dump whatever douche she is dating now and date me instead. (Yes yes i am girl crazy. but thats cause i have no girlfriend im allowed) so yeah. melissa. new boyfriend. me. she used to like me, she just needs to get back in the mindframe........shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt..... i dunno why everynite i always end up in the very same fucking position i was before. i dont feel like sleeping . i feel like being with somebody. but ill probablyendupsleepingigues.
i heard on the radio about these websites in japan where people go to find companions to commit group suicides with. they usually sit in an enclosed area while it fills with carbon monoxide until they die. its like when they talked about everyone dies alone on donny darko. i bet these japanese people didnt want to. some said on the website that they had to find someone in 3 days or less and stuff like that.. it seems sad