☀ Powers and... stuff.

Dec 17, 2009 06:31

Being the Goddess of the Day, she is her mother's daughter at heart, despite feeling they never have enough time together. As Nyx is out during the Night, when Thanatos and Hypnos were young, and the others, as well, she often took care of them. Thusly, she has a very caring and maternal personality, not unlike her mother, but will always be absent during the Day in their home world. It is important to note she is from ANCIENT GREECE still, before the others, and unaware of any new-aged things.

That all said, here we go:
- You know how Hypnos can randomly make people fall asleep nearby? Hemera can randomly wake them up, or even make them super-alert, if they are already awake.
- She has power over Light itself, in a form and sense, therefore, she will always appear to be better-lit (even in darkness) than any other person.
- ... That said, she actually glows in the dark because of this. Her glow is a myriad of colors; mostly a gentle yellow/red/orange.
- The manifestation of her powers happens to not be an addition, but rather, a change to her appearance: her eyes. When she is using her power, they become almost blood-red, and if you look into them, you'll end up either temporarily blinded and seeing spots, or transfixed and disoriented.
- Her "real" form is not like Thanatos' is. She is a being of pure light and, when in her true form, appears as nothing more than a multi-colored myriad of bright light and flames, shaped like a female.
- All her skills are Hama/Light or Agi/Fire based. She also has high healing skills, and is compassionate for most "younger" than her, and worries over anyone she considers important. Like a mother, she will often check to make sure you're taking care of yourself.
- She can change her age from between 17 to 20; the latter makes her taller and more defined, and in which she usually wears the dress in her default icon, as it is for when she takes the role of taking care of her siblings (even if they're grown up now) and helping her mother by always raising the young ones/cleaning, etc.
- Like Hypnos and Thanatos, she has a form of hammerspace in a small, brown bag no bigger than a fist on her waist. Inside one will find butterflies of pure light--not blue ones!--and her other miscellany, if one is a God. If not, you're liable to be blinded for at least a day, and will only see faint, dry, yellow sand. And it will be useless to you. Sorry mortals~

I will finish editing this later when I am not tired; more may always be added. Basically, she's the opposite of the Blue!Minato portrayed in the manga; early riser, loves to get up and stay up, loves sunlight and warmth, and loves wearing pants dressing for the occasion.

!ooc, !info

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