I've had this loitering on my computer for a while now. It's a manip of Peter, Claire, and Sylar from the new Heroes Villians promotional posters =). I loved the look of the new posters, so figured it would look even COOLER with my OT3.
It was one of the hardest manips I've had to do because of Claire's overly-vectored hair AND because all the pics were shoulders-up bust shots. But after 6 hours, I got it to work (mostly), and ended up with THIS-
(click to see fullsize)
Alternate Color Variations:
(I was going for a Sin City kind of look here *wink*) Thanks so much for viewing! Please comment, and also...since this manip is kind of artsy in itself... please tell me if/where you're gonna use it =) If you chose to do so, of course.