The Store...

May 20, 2008 12:45

Well, life really knows how to stick it to me. So after opening my store, it's already time to close it. As it is, they're kicking everyone out of the mall at the end of the month. So while I'm gearing up for Anime North and A-Kon(just did ACEN this last weekend), I also have to move out.

Lots of things aren't quite going the way that I'd like them to right now, but other things are going alright. Right now I've been going to some of the newer LARPs in the area and meeting some really cool people. Now it's not to say that the rest of my life stinks right now, it just feels that life is catching up to me a lot quicker than I would like it to, and going too slow at the same time.

One thing that's been a huge factor for me lately is the lack of a working website right now. Now the person who's been helping me build said website has had her fair share of problems and setback like you couldn't imagine. Hopefully things will turn around for her soon enough, she's had more rotten luck than I have lately.

I just need a good, long vacation, that's all. Hopefully that will happen in either June(hopefully during an event) or July.
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