Circuit 110

May 01, 2010 01:02

[Accidental Video Post]

[When the feed switches on, it appears at an erratic angle with one corner darkened from the lens being obscured by...something or other. In any case, it's clear that this video is entirely accidental, and equally clear that Proto has no idea whatsoever that it's recording.

For a long time, the view is of nothing but an ordinary wood shelf on an otherwise empty wall. However, the items on the shelf are an odd assortment of objects and knickknacks with no obvious theme or commonality between them. On the far left appears to be a heart-shaped lump of gold, lightly covered in dust and the occasional cobweb. There is also an obnoxiously pink stuffed animal with a too-cheerful look stitched onto its face, a piece of paper folded around a photograph, a blue hair tie, a small model bird made of metal, a little pouch filled with something lumpy next to a large cubic zirconia, a crushed and dried-out flower with the roots still attached, a single kunai, and a fork. The objects are all fairly evenly spread along the shelf, save for the fork; it is located all the way at the other end of the shelf, with a large empty space between it and the kunai.

After a minute, the door swings open and Proto steps into the scene with an obnoxiously orange piece of fabric in his hands. Looking supremely satisfied, he heads over to the shelf and folds the fabric--a scarf, it turns out, as he shakes it out to fold it properly--into a neat rectangle, then replaces it in its rightful place between the kunai and the fork.

He stands still a moment, thoughtfully regarding the complete collection of items, then nods once and turns his back on the shelf, exiting the room as silently as he came.

The video continues to hold on the image of the assortment of items on the shelf, now complete once more, and then fades to black.]

[OOC: Behold, the rare sentimental Proto in its natural habitat. So Proto, having seen a lot of friends people come and go over the years, has developed a habit of keeping "souvenirs" from the people he likes on a shelf in the bedroom he generally never uses. Alas, during yesterday's curse, Obito's orange scarf mysteriously disappeared from the collection, and so Proto literally spent the entire day tracking it back down again. And he will DENY IT FOREVER, sob.]

if i only had a heart, stealthy like a mofo, curse: spring cleaning, beating a dead horse, totally shipping it kthx, missing my mortal rival, it's the guidance system, mushy unt tingly, robots rule ninjas drool, i don't need friends, shut up i'm not sentimental, scarves are totally cool, daddy's little villain, denial: not just a river in egypt, insulting obito makes everything better, post curse, lonely robot is lonely

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