New Journal, New Entry...

Jul 11, 2004 23:32

Hey Journal..

I just came back from the beach today. It was 10 days of pissing my pants with Ana, Julie, Lourdes & Lionel. =) Im happy but I realized a couple of weeks ago that I have to become more determined and pay more attention to the things I need to do. So I have to try really hard in school. And Lionel... well I think I have grown a lot since the beginning of our relationship. We are now 1 year and 10 months... Wow I remember the first day like if it was just yesterday. =\ Oh well... I was looking at some people's live journals... I can't believe that Christine got a boyfriend... And i can't believe Nataly did either... Nataly can't talk to me or lionel anymore because of Jaime. Hes such an ass... he should just leave her alone because if he really did love her, he would realize that he is hurting her... but I guess... whatever I just know that I have to stop caring about her & him. Hes gonna dump her eventually and shes gonna cry and shes gonna be to embarassed to call Lio or me.... so she won't... and thats the end of our friendship. Lionel tells me not to care... =\ hm... I guess hes right. I shouldn't give a damn. Well guess what happens.. the other day Ana told me Christina was going out with Michael for a yr & six months even though they only started going out since last Christmas. I think shes lying to make it seem like if she has a strong relationship going on and to give herself reason not to break up with michael... When you think about it, that is good of her to do... but I personally think she isn't ready for a relationship and he should've dumped her when she was talking to that guy w. long hair... Jimmy! Damn i think that was fucked up... but w/e I guess it isn't my business. Well I just know that on wednesday & thursday I have to go to AP Chem meetings and I have to get ready for when school starts... I can't even believe that Lionel is gonna take the class.. I personally think its too much for him because he is too immature to take a class like that. w/e. Now im gonna be a sophomore when the school year starts... =) I can't wait... Well w/e live journal I'll ttyt. =)

- Susie

P.S. I hope Lio changes too... =)
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